Friday, April 19, 2013

Google’s One Today App Aims To Make Charitable Donations A More Social, And Frequent, Experience | TechCrunch

Google’s One Today App Aims To Make Charitable Donations A More Social, And Frequent, Experience | TechCrunch: Today, Google quietly ushered in a new application built on top of its nonprofit arm, The app is called One Today, and it’s currently invite only for Android users at this time. The aim is to get people to donate $1 to different organizations, while getting the complete information about how your donation will be used up front. This is a huge stumbling block for nonprofits usually, as people are afraid that their money won’t actually get spent on making a real difference. One Today aims to change that.

New analytics technologies transforming the face of fundraising | TMA Resources

New analytics technologies transforming the face of fundraising | TMA Resources: One example of an association that was able to leverage technology effectively is the Childs i Foundation. According to The Guardian, the agency has focused on social media to build a strong and highly active online community to raise more money for child abandonment in Uganda. The source revealed that more than one quarter of the Childs i Foundation's funds are produced through these efforts. In fact, the foundation utilized its international digital supporter community to raise $15,298 in just 38 hours.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

How social enterprise can succeed in the world of technology | Guardian Social Enterprise Network

How social enterprise can succeed in the world of technology | Guardian Social Enterprise Network

Brooklyn Museum: Community: bloggers@brooklynmuseum � Join us at #table17

Brooklyn Museum: Community: bloggers@brooklynmuseum � Join us at #table17: Man is working with Barry Hoggard to help bring the table to life and we couldn’t be more excited to see it materialize both online and in the building on April 24. Follow @brooklynmuseum on Twitter and Instagram to join us at #table17.

Brooklyn Museum: Community: bloggers@brooklynmuseum � Join us at #table17

Brooklyn Museum: Community: bloggers@brooklynmuseum � Join us at #table17: Starting Friday, Brooklyn-based artist Man Bartlett will take over these two feeds and create a project that speaks to how everyone can bring something to the table. In his own words:

The People’s Table is a virtual collection of images submitted by people around the world in response to the question, “What do you bring to the table?” It is meant to act as a reminder of the multitude of ways that people attribute value to objects and ideas in culture, while simultaneously offering access without regard to significant financial or societal limitations. Anyone with access to an Internet connection can bring themselves, and their vision to the table. Additionally, this collection will be projected for the guests of the 2013 BK Ball, where they will be invited to participate as well.

Top Digital Products for At-Home Businesses: Fundraisers

Top Digital Products for At-Home Businesses: Fundraisers

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Are you really social? | Agents of Good

Are you really social? | Agents of Good: Are you really social?
You are here: Home � Are you really social?

There are a few topics that come up over and over again in boardroom meetings, conferences, lunches and drinks that just hit all my #armwavy buttons.

One is: SOCIAL MEDIA (queue up the scary music…)

How do we “DO” the social media? Everyone wants to know.

Google Person Finder: Boston Marathon Explosions

Google Person Finder: Boston Marathon Explosions

Boston Marathon explosion charity scam started by fake Twitter accounts

Boston Marathon explosion charity scam started by fake Twitter accounts: Twitter can be an amazing tool in the wake of a tragedy. However, it can also be used by amazing tools, like the guy who created a fake Boston Marathon twitter promising to donate $1 for Boston Marathon victims for every retweet.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Watsi, a Crowdfunding Site, Offers Help With Medical Care -

Watsi, a Crowdfunding Site, Offers Help With Medical Care - Over the next several months, he devoted his free time to creating a business plan for an online start-up that he named after the town where he got the idea. Watsi, which started last August, lets people donate as little as $5 toward low-cost, high-impact medical treatment for patients in third-world countries.

2013 NTC: How 2 Nonprofits Utilize Social-Media Data, Part 1 : FundRaising Success

2013 NTC: How 2 Nonprofits Utilize Social-Media Data, Part 1 : FundRaising Success: At NTEN'sOpens in a new window 2013 Nonprofit Technology ConferenceOpens in a new window Thursday, four fundraising professionals discussed social data and what nonprofits should do with it, including how the National Wildlife FederationOpens in a new window (NWF) and CAREOpens in a new window leverage their social data. Here is what Casey GoldenOpens in a new window, CEO of Small ActOpens in a new window; Mark DavisOpens in a new window, director of technical solutions at BlackbaudOpens in a new window; Danielle BrigidaOpens in a new window, senior manager of social strategy and integration at NWF; and Ken BessOpens in a new window, manager of Web development at CARE, shared during their session, "We Heart Social Data: But What Do We Do With It?"