Friday, January 22, 2010

Don't let Twitter, Facebook, Google be the only game in town -

Don't let Twitter, Facebook, Google be the only game in town - "There's no reason that organizations or individuals who want to use the Web to relay critical information have to rely on Twitter or Facebook or Google or any other giant of the technology industry in the first place. We've just forgotten a bit about how the Internet was supposed to work.

Rescue organizations and charities should simply be able to use the Web sites they already have to deliver those messages."

Haiti mobile giving may spark surge in overall SMS contributions

Haiti mobile giving may spark surge in overall SMS contributions: "Manis, a former senior vice president at premium SMS aggregator m-Qube who left after it was acquired by VeriSign, said the huge spike in mobile giving after the Haiti earthquake represents a confluence of multiple factors. First off, a mature mobile giving infrastructure is finally in place. Organizations such as the Mobile Giving Foundation and mGive have integrated directly with all of the US mobile operators and signed up charities across the board, allowing them to not only receive contributions by text, but to set up immediate short code accounts to channel money to specific efforts. Within hours of the earthquake disaster, multiple charities were able to accept mobile donations directly for Haiti relief efforts."

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Simple Passwords Remain Popular, Despite Risk of Hacking -

Simple Passwords Remain Popular, Despite Risk of Hacking - "According to a new analysis, one out of five Web users still decides to leave the digital equivalent of a key under the doormat: they choose a simple, easily guessed password like “abc123,” “iloveyou” or even “password” to protect their data."

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Meet Marko, the 9-year-old systems engineer | Beyond Binary - CNET News

Meet Marko, the 9-year-old systems engineer | Beyond Binary - CNET News: "Marko already has his first gig as a system administrator, remotely managing a network of computers for a nonprofit that works with people with disabilities."

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Got Twitter Clout? Here's How to Find out. - PC World

Got Twitter Clout? Here's How to Find out. - PC World: "How influential are you on Twitter? That's what several sites are now promising to judge, labeling you by doing everything from calculating your 'social capital' to knocking you for a 'low Twitter efficiency.'"