Saturday, December 06, 2008

Singapore licenses are online! « Creative Commons Singapore

Singapore licenses are online! « Creative Commons Singapore: "Singapore licenses are online!

In all the enthusiasm after we finally made it and among the million other things each one of us is involved in we neglected to communicate the merry news on this blog. Yes, after some delay, the Singapore versions of the Creative Commons licenses are now online and available for all Singapore-based authors to use. Just head over to for an overview of the licenses."

Monday, December 01, 2008

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Twitter As Charitable Giving Spreader: A Brief History and Meta Analysis of Fundraising With Twitter

Great material re Twitter fundraising From Beth Kanter

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Twitter As Charitable Giving Spreader: A Brief History and Meta Analysis of Fundraising With Twitter: "Twitter As Charitable Giving Spreader: A Brief History and Meta Analysis of Fundraising With Twitter

Last August, I saw the impact of Twitter's velocity first-hand with a fundraising experiment. I was able to raise $2,500 in 90 minutes at Gnomedex. I wondered whether or not those results would be replicable? Right before Thanksgiving, the TweetsGiving effort and Avi Kaplan helped Epic Change raise over $10,000 in 48 hours to build a classroom in Tanzania. The campaign used the power of retweeting to spread the message across twitter users.

As Lucy Bernholz notes, this might be one more sign that fundraising on Twitter is less marginal and moving to the middle. Lucy points to some implications for organizations to consider:"