Thursday, June 08, 2006

Idealware: Creating the Relationship-Centric Organization: Nonprofit CRM

Idealware: Creating the Relationship-Centric Organization: Nonprofit CRM: "Creating the Relationship-Centric Organization: Nonprofit CRM

By Paul Hagen

Are you having problems managing information about your organization’s donors, supporters, members, volunteers, and other constituents?

If so, you’re not alone. Many organizations struggle with the volume of information they’d like to track and the number of methods they use to track it. In a soon-to-be published survey by dotOrganize, over half the small- to medium-sized nonprofits who responded said they store information about contacts in more than four different places. In fact, 20% said they store it in more than ten places! Many of them use solutions that make it hard for the whole staff to access it – 58% used Excel, 52% used a personal contact manager like Outlook, and an alarming 55% reported using slips of paper."

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Q&A: A (charitable) foundation support

Q&A: A (charitable) foundation support: "&A: A (charitable) foundation support

June 06, 2006 (Computerworld) -- Historically, only the Rockefellers and Carnegies of the world launched charitable foundations. That's partly because you needed a lot of money to pay a staff to run a foundation and provide the necessary back-office support to collect and monitor charitable donations.

But Daniel M. Schley saw the Internet as an opportunity to help families and other organizations with more moderate means to establish charitable funds. In 2000, Schley helped launch Foundation Source , a Fairfield, Conn.-based provider of support services for private foundations, including back-office systems and online assistance.

Computerworld's Thomas Hoffman spoke with Schley about Foundation Source's charter and current market conditions."

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

DDN Articles - Exploring the World of Wikis

DDN Articles - Exploring the World of Wikis: "Exploring the World of Wikis
Author: Brian Satterfield, Tech Soup | June 6th, 2006
Communities: Cool Tools


Never Again International, a nonprofit network dedicated to promoting peace and preventing genocide, has members throughout the world, with chapters in Rwanda, Burundi, America, Canada, the United Kingdom, and China. With so many people dispersed around the globe, the organization needed a way to communicate, centralize information, and ease collaboration.

'Because we are scattered,' said Never Again's Communications Coordinator Clare-Marie White, 'it is very difficult to know what [members] don't know, so we really need ways of sharing knowledge when people travel.'"

Monday, June 05, 2006

Expanding Online Communities Internationally | (beta)

Expanding Online Communities Internationally | (beta): "Expanding Online Communities Internationally
Submitted by smokinggoat on Fri, 2006-06-02 16:54. Online Communities | Org Development

A dump of notes from the Online Community Camp. (Along with the text version of this file).

What are basic dos and dont's of expanding community website internationally?