Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Stanford Social Innovation Review : Opinion Blog : All They Want Is Money (October 10, 2006)

Stanford Social Innovation Review : Opinion Blog : All They Want Is Money (October 10, 2006): "t a recent conference, I did an informal survey of nonprofit professionals to see how many people visited nonprofit websites, other than for work, in the past 3 months (lots of hands)and how many planned to go back to those sites (very, very few). I asked, “Why don’t you go back to those sites?” “Because all they do is ask that I donate,” one guy said.

That is the state of most nonprofit websites--most engage users on only a superficial level. They rely on an information dump that ignores what the user wants to do and learn. A big “Donate” button on your homepage does not address the question of how to get that user motivated.

There are a couple of nonprofit sites that have woken up to this and really stand out for trying to spark intellectual and emotional engagement."

Colin Powell urges philanthropy, inspiring leadership | CNET

Colin Powell urges philanthropy, inspiring leadership | CNET "SAN FRANCISCO--Colin Powell, the former Secretary of State, called on corporate America on Tuesday to dig deep and set up sustainable philanthropy programs.

Powell made his call to action during a keynote speech at's user conference here. Marc Benioff, CEO of the hosted software company, noted in his introduction to the speech that Powell was an early inspiration for Salesforce's own philanthropy program."