Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Nonprofits Research the Effects of Technology Assistance :: PNNOnline ::

Nonprofits Research the Effects of Technology Assistance :: PNNOnline ::: "Nonprofits Research the Effects of Technology Assistance
Posted by: emilyd on Friday, January 27, 2006

NPower and N-TEN have announced that a new project is underway to measure the effectiveness of technology assistance for nonprofits. 'We know technology has the potential to dramatically increase what nonprofits are able to accomplish,' said NPower Executive Director Scott Schaffer. 'This project is a way to put some actual measurements behind the qualitative evidence we�ve seen as a result of our work over the past six years.'

Thanks to funding from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Cisco Foundation and the Surdna Foundation, the two nonprofit technology organizations aim to quantify how technology assistance impacts nonprofits� work over several years."

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