Monday, May 01, 2006

Christian Groups Hungry for Technology | Christian News Online , Christian World News

Christian Groups Hungry for Technology | Christian News Online , Christian World News: "Christian Groups Hungry for Technology
Monday, May. 1, 2006 Posted: 3:12:20PM EST

Faith-based organizations are growing bigger both in size and finances, giving more room for the religious groups to invest in expanding outreach to whole new levels. And many of them are investing with secular marketing agencies.

TeenMania, one of the largest Christian youth ministries in the nation, just came out of two newly launched stadium events that drew more than 60,000 teens in two major cities and is now headed toward the East Coast next weekend to reach thousands more. With the urgent need now greater than ever to reach the young generation for Christ, BattleCry – a “reverse rebellion” countering the MTV-impacted culture – kicked off in March on a new web platform.

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