Thursday, June 14, 2007

Foundations Seeing Results of Evaluating Their Impact


Foundations Seeing Results of Evaluating Their Impact: "Foundations Seeing Results of Evaluating Their Impact

Case studies highlight foundations using real-time feedback to refine or change course

BOSTON, June 14 /PRNewswire/ -- The Annie E. Casey Foundation used an innovative evaluation process to recover more than $2.5 million from predatory lenders for Des Moines, Iowa families. The Ball Foundation in Chicago conducted surveys and focus groups of teachers. As a result, the Foundation changed its approach to teacher development. The Arthur M. Blank
Family Foundation uses web-based mapping to more effectively provide assistance to low income school children. Three different approaches to grantmaking, all highly successful. The common thread? All used evaluation extremely well to achieve great results. These are just a few organizations that FSG Social Impact Advisors studied in its new report 'From Insight to
Action: New Directions in Foundation Evaluation.'"

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