Friday, October 30, 2009

What Are the Challenges to Social Network Fundraising? | eJewish Philanthropy: The Jewish Philanthropy Blog

What Are the Challenges to Social Network Fundraising? | eJewish Philanthropy: The Jewish Philanthropy Blog: "roving that social media can be used to raise significant funds for nonprofits is “the brass ring” that every nonprofit utilizing social media wants to reach. But it is quite an elusive brass ring! There are a number of challenges to overcome before social network fundraising is as easy (and fruitful) as email donation solicitation, offline donation appeals, or the “donate now” button on the website. On the other hand, social network fundraising is growing: both by adoption, use and acceptance. This post explores the existing challenges to acceptance and raising large amounts of funds using social networks – and brainstorming ideas to overcome the barriers."

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