Wednesday, March 22, 2006

CompuMentor Assumes Fiscal Sponsorship for CivicSpace

Untitled Document: "CompuMentor Assumes Fiscal Sponsorship for CivicSpace

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., March 21 (AScribe Newswire) -- Nonprofit assistance provider CompuMentor, Home of TechSoup (, today announced that it will act as a fiscal sponsor for community organizing software and services provider CivicSpace ( , which will be splitting its operations into a nonprofit and a for-profit unit.

Under the agreement, CompuMentor will provide financial management services for the nonprofit division of CivicSpace, including payroll and benefits processing, as well as office space. By having a financial sponsor, Civic Space will be able to work through CompuMentor to apply for grants that are limited to 501(c)3 organizations. This step will allow Civic Space to focus on essential program development and fundraising activities without having to invest scarce resources into infrastructure development."

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