Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Sustainability: a Forprofit and Nonprofit Collaboration :: PNNOnline ::

Sustainability: a Forprofit and Nonprofit Collaboration :: PNNOnline ::: "sustainability: a Forprofit and Nonprofit Collaboration
Posted by: PNNOnline on Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Topic Special Features

The growing awareness of sustainability in our culture is beginning to shape the planning, marketing, and advertising of savvy for-profit companies. They position their products and culture as 'green' to affirm the buying behavior of discriminating and concerned consumers. For some corporations, sustainability is merely market-speak-just one more way to sell a product or service. But for others, the culture runs deeper.

One company, Mission Research, makers of GiftWorks fundraising software, takes its commitment to sustainability very seriously, inwardly and outwardly. A belief in sustainable practices drives the company's internal operations. Looking outward, this commitment drives the company and its employees to make every contact with customers, partners, and the nonprofit community an affirmation of sustainable principles."

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