Friday, December 07, 2007 Lend a Hand: Help nonprofits with technology needs Lend a Hand: Help nonprofits with technology needs: "Many local nonprofit agencies depend on volunteers with general IT, Web site design, and database experience, as well as donated computers and printers to help keep their organizations running in today's wired society. This week's column features a few IT-related opportunities for you to lend a hand to agencies serving our community. Laptop computer and printer needed Project Linus, established in 1995, now has more than 400 chapters throughout the United States. Project Linus provides new blankets, all handmade by volunteers, to children in crisis. Last year N.H. Seacoast Project Linus donated more than 1,000 blankets to children in local hospitals, schools, homeless shelters and foster care. Donations of a new laptop computer with Microsoft Office software and a printer are greatly needed at this time"

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