Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Nonprofit Uses App to Survey Homeless People Daily—What Do You Need? | Nonprofit Quarterly delivers the latest news and investigative reports

Nonprofit Uses App to Survey Homeless People Daily—What Do You Need? | Nonprofit Quarterly delivers the latest news and investigative reports: "In recent years, as technology and social media have expanded many non-profits have chosen to use these resources to help homeless people. In 2014, we reported on statistics that showed that homeless people increasingly owned cell phones. One homeless woman even credited Twitter for singlehandedly pulling her out of homelessness. The government has gotten on the technology bandwagon to help solve the problem of homelessness as well, launching the Project REACH (Real-time Electronic Access for Caregivers and the Homeless) competition in 2012 to build a mobile web app for smartphones and tablets that could help the homeless find nearby resources. Our Calling, a nonprofit in Dallas, Texas, developed an iPhone app homeless people can use to find shelters, food pantries, free meals and job training. Others can also use the app to snap a photo to direct staff and volunteers to the GPS location where a homeless person is in need."

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