This blog contains assorted news, commentary and limited press releases on nonprofit technology gathered by the AFP Fundraising Resource Center. Other Sites of Interest Section Disclaimer: AFP provides the following listing of hyperlinks to other Internet pages as a privilege to the user. AFP does not necessarily endorse, support or attest to the accuracy of information posted on those Internet pages. Some urls may require registration to view and/or may only be available for a limited time.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Technology grants slated for Spokane | | Dec 18, 2009
Technology grants slated for Spokane | | Dec 18, 2009: "Administering the two grants here is the Spokane nonprofit Tincan, or The Inland Northwest Community Access Network. The grants will help all of Spokane’s city libraries and its four city-supported community centers upgrade their broadband connections, said Karen Michaelson, Tincan’s executive director. Also benefiting are seven area nonprofits, including Crosswalk, Volunteers of America and the YMCA and YWCA."
The 'Dark Side' of Online Charity Contests -
The 'Dark Side' of Online Charity Contests - "The 'Dark Side' of Online Charity Contests
Beware the “dark side” of online contests for charitable dollars, says Kjerstin Erickson, a charity leader.
In recent years, the number of corporations offering contests, in which people vote online for their favorite charity to win money, has grown. Chase Manhattan Bank’s $5-million competition is perhaps the most recent example."
Beware the “dark side” of online contests for charitable dollars, says Kjerstin Erickson, a charity leader.
In recent years, the number of corporations offering contests, in which people vote online for their favorite charity to win money, has grown. Chase Manhattan Bank’s $5-million competition is perhaps the most recent example."
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Despite Economy More Consumers Plan to Give Online in ‘09 than ‘08 - Press - AFP
Despite Economy More Consumers Plan to Give Online in ‘09 than ‘08 - Press - AFP: "Despite Economy More Consumers Plan to Give Online in ‘09 than ‘08
(Dec. 15, 2009) Convio Inc. estimates that U.S. online giving to nonprofit organization will be more than $4 billion during the holiday season of 2009 as increasing numbers of people donate to charities via the web.
More than 111 million say they plan to give via the Internet this year, up from 89 million a year ago, according to research commissioned by Convio."
(Dec. 15, 2009) Convio Inc. estimates that U.S. online giving to nonprofit organization will be more than $4 billion during the holiday season of 2009 as increasing numbers of people donate to charities via the web.
More than 111 million say they plan to give via the Internet this year, up from 89 million a year ago, according to research commissioned by Convio."
Athens charity wins $25,000 in Facebook competition |
Athens charity wins $25,000 in Facebook competition | "An Athens-based organization raising money for muscular dystrophy research has been awarded $25,000 from the Chase Community Foundation as one of 100 charities chosen by Facebook users to receive grants."
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Holiday Watch: Texting 'The Nutcracker' -
Holiday Watch: Texting 'The Nutcracker' - "Holiday Watch: Texting 'The Nutcracker'
The Pennsylvania Ballet will soon ask patrons to turn on their cellphones — at least during intermission and after the show.
From December 26-31, audience members at performances of “The Nutcracker” will have the opportunity to participate in a live poll via text message. At intermission, they will be able to vote for their favorite character, and after the performance, they will be able to weigh in on their favorite scene."
The Pennsylvania Ballet will soon ask patrons to turn on their cellphones — at least during intermission and after the show.
From December 26-31, audience members at performances of “The Nutcracker” will have the opportunity to participate in a live poll via text message. At intermission, they will be able to vote for their favorite character, and after the performance, they will be able to weigh in on their favorite scene."
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Bmycharity donations in November almost double on previous year - Third Sector
Bmycharity donations in November almost double on previous year - Third Sector: "Fundraising website removed commission charges in October
Nearly twice as much money was donated to charity through fundraising website Bmycharity in November as in the same month last year.
More than £546,000 was donated through the site in November 2009, compared with £247,000 in the same month in 2008."
Nearly twice as much money was donated to charity through fundraising website Bmycharity in November as in the same month last year.
More than £546,000 was donated through the site in November 2009, compared with £247,000 in the same month in 2008."
PHILANTHROPY 2173: New Research on Online Giving Marketplaces
Via Philanthropy 2173
PHILANTHROPY 2173: New Research on Online Giving Marketplaces: "I am delighted to share some new research - including a spreadsheet of data and an analytic memo - on online giving markets. The research was done by David Koken, a Coro fellow, while he was working at The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Let's get the caveats out of the way right up front, as the report and database state:"
PHILANTHROPY 2173: New Research on Online Giving Marketplaces: "I am delighted to share some new research - including a spreadsheet of data and an analytic memo - on online giving markets. The research was done by David Koken, a Coro fellow, while he was working at The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Let's get the caveats out of the way right up front, as the report and database state:"
Charity begins on the Internet now --
Charity begins on the Internet now -- "his holiday season, some of Maryland's oldest charities are reaching out to donors and volunteers, not only with the usual 'snail-mail' appeals and kettles on the corner, but with tweets on the Internet and clicks of the mouse.
Organizations such as the United Way, Salvation Army and the American Red Cross are using Facebook pages and Twitter accounts to reach younger volunteers and donors."
Organizations such as the United Way, Salvation Army and the American Red Cross are using Facebook pages and Twitter accounts to reach younger volunteers and donors."
Yasamin Beitollahi: 'Tis the Season for Charitable Giving: 7 Extraordinary Nonprofits on Twitter
Yasamin Beitollahi: 'Tis the Season for Charitable Giving: 7 Extraordinary Nonprofits on Twitter: "We've already seen that Twitter is turning into a source of breaking news. But it's also clearly turning into a conversation tool and a way to 'humanize' an organization and not just hide behind a corporate shield. The age of social media has empowered amateur journalists, presidential candidates, and creative corporate marketers. Now, some say, it is time for nonprofit groups to harness the power of 140-character tweets to build a network of supporters, recruit volunteers, spread awareness and even raise money."
Monday, December 14, 2009
Site Diverts Shopping Money to Charities -
Site Diverts Shopping Money to Charities - "A new Web site lets people donate to charity the money they would have spent on, say, that $44.50 Henley sweater from the Gap — or, better yet, the $250,000 his-and-hers ICON aircraft that Neiman Marcus is selling this year."
Virtual volunteering carries real benefits --
Virtual volunteering carries real benefits -- "Jeanine Handley, a graphic designer, volunteers without ever leaving her house by designing materials for a nonprofit legal aid organization. Amy Bogl uses Facebook parties to help an organization that shelters homeless teens win a fundraising contest. Molly Shah, a volunteer tutor, uses texting almost daily to motivate a student"
Thursday, December 10, 2009
.:: Welcome To The Jewish Ledger ::.
.:: Welcome To The Jewish Ledger ::.: "Five years ago, Cyral Sheldon helped found the Teen Leadership and Philanthropy Institute, then a program of Yachad, the Greater Hartford Jewish Community High School. The aim: Over the course of an academic year, teach high-school students how to be involved, committed citizens of a Jewish community."
9 Immutable Laws of Social Media Marketing | eMarketing & Commerce (eM+C)
9 Immutable Laws of Social Media Marketing | eMarketing & Commerce (eM+C): "These are the kinds of questions and responses I hear daily in my conversations about social media. Often I tell folks to set and manage expectations correctly. From these conversations I've come up with a set of nine laws of social media to provide all marketers with proper expectations."
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
ammado Introduces Universal Giving Widget - Resource Center - AFP
ammado Introduces Universal Giving Widget - Resource Center - AFP: "ammado Introduces Universal Giving Widget
(Dec. 8, 2009) In the season of giving, AFP's networking partner ammado has introduced a new giving widget designed to make online donation a part of everyday life for millions of people around the world"
(Dec. 8, 2009) In the season of giving, AFP's networking partner ammado has introduced a new giving widget designed to make online donation a part of everyday life for millions of people around the world"
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Are you using Joomla! yet? Why the heck not? | Education IT |
Are you using Joomla! yet? Why the heck not? | Education IT | "One of my big projects over the last month, aside from taking care of a c-sectioned wife and new daughter, was rebuilding our district’s website in Joomla. The short-term goal is, of course, to just make our web presence far more user-friendly and attractive. The long-term goal, however, is to create a unified platform for all of our schools to be able to share and post content easily."
Top 10 Ways to Boost Online Giving at Year-End - Resource Center - AFP
Top 10 Ways to Boost Online Giving at Year-End - Resource Center - AFP: "Top 10 Ways to Boost Online Giving at Year-End
By Gail Perry, CFRE
Author and fundraising consultant Gail Perry offers advice to fundraisers on how to ramp up online giving in the final months of the year.
(Dec. 1, 2009) The most important--and most critical--giving season is upon us. And for many nonprofits, one out of every two gifts comes in the last three months of the year.
Online giving is even more important at year-end. About 40 percent of online gifts are made in December. And 40-60 percent of those gifts are made the last two days of the year."
By Gail Perry, CFRE
Author and fundraising consultant Gail Perry offers advice to fundraisers on how to ramp up online giving in the final months of the year.
(Dec. 1, 2009) The most important--and most critical--giving season is upon us. And for many nonprofits, one out of every two gifts comes in the last three months of the year.
Online giving is even more important at year-end. About 40 percent of online gifts are made in December. And 40-60 percent of those gifts are made the last two days of the year."
Monday, November 30, 2009
Tom Watson: What Your Facebook Page Says About Who You 'Really' Are
Tom Watson: What Your Facebook Page Says About Who You 'Really' Are: "What Your Facebook Page Says About Who You 'Really' Are
It's becoming increasingly common to 'meet' someone online before you encounter them in real life. In my experience, people I meet online are generally quite recognizable when I finally get together with them at a conference or physical meeting. But maybe I'm just lucky."
It's becoming increasingly common to 'meet' someone online before you encounter them in real life. In my experience, people I meet online are generally quite recognizable when I finally get together with them at a conference or physical meeting. But maybe I'm just lucky."
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Applebee's starts Web site to benefit nonprofits | The Dispatch | Davidson County's News Source | Lexington, NC
Applebee's starts Web site to benefit nonprofits | The Dispatch | Davidson County's News Source | Lexington, NC: "This program allows nonprofits to host flapjack breakfasts at their local Applebee's facilities to raise funds for their cause. To support this fundraiser program, Applebee's has launched its new Web site, Through this Web site, nonprofit groups can easily set up a Flapjack Fundraiser, print tickets, flyers and other materials to help promote their event."
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Red Kettle, a longtime symbol of giving, goes online -, North Andover, MA
Red Kettle, a longtime symbol of giving, goes online -, North Andover, MA: "According to the Salvation Army Web site, individuals, groups and businesses can raise money for the organization by creating an online red kettle. To set up an online kettle, visit or through a virtual red kettle on any number of corporate or individual Web sites and Facebook pages.
Online red kettles can be personalized with photos or graphics and linked to other Web sites and also can be visited and donated to by family, friends and customers."
Online red kettles can be personalized with photos or graphics and linked to other Web sites and also can be visited and donated to by family, friends and customers."
Monday, November 23, 2009
Volunteers Log Off as Wikipedia Ages -
Volunteers Log Off as Wikipedia Ages - " is the fifth-most-popular Web site in the world, with roughly 325 million monthly visitors. But unprecedented numbers of the millions of online volunteers who write, edit and police it are quitting.
That could have significant implications for the brand of democratization that Wikipedia helped to unleash over the Internet -- the empowerment of the amateur."
That could have significant implications for the brand of democratization that Wikipedia helped to unleash over the Internet -- the empowerment of the amateur."
Charity Village®NewsWeek: Cover Story-Social Media: What are you afraid of?
Charity Village®NewsWeek: Cover Story: "As the interview begins, James Topham apologizes and takes a moment to read and respond to an urgent tweet. Another typical day for the communications and marketing director of War Child Canada, where tweeting and Facebook updates are as commonplace as checking one's email. With social media the buzzword of late, some nonprofits are taking the plunge, hoping these newfangled modes of outreach will help them reach their goals. But how useful is social media, really? And how can one ensure it's being used effectively instead of needlessly tying up already limited resources?"
The Wired Campus - Tweckling Twitterfolk: Chronicle Readers React to the New World of Twitter Conference Humiliation - The Chronicle of Higher Education
The Wired Campus - Tweckling Twitterfolk: Chronicle Readers React to the New World of Twitter Conference Humiliation - The Chronicle of Higher Education: "A Chronicle story today about the abuse of Twitter at conferences is touching off an online debate among readers. Dozens of them are arguing about a new trend in academic life: how audience members now “tweckle” speakers by heckling them on the micro-blogging service Twitter."
Mapping the Crisis
Mapping the Crisis: "Ushahidi is just one of many nonprofits, governmental agencies, and human rights lobbying agencies using maps for humanitarian work. Unfortunately, these organizations are notoriously bad at sharing data, according to Patrick Meier. To solve this problem, Meier recently started the International Network of Crisis Mappers (INCM), which aims to connect people and organizations using maps for good."
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tech philanthropy brings wave of contributions, volunteers to organizations - Mass High Tech Business News
Tech philanthropy brings wave of contributions, volunteers to organizations - Mass High Tech Business News: "New England tech companies are ramping up contributions to educational programs and sending troops of volunteers to schools and on initiatives. Some leaders at organizations on the receiving end of that charity shared their thoughts on what the donations and volunteerism have meant to them."
End of the e-mail era? I'm not buying it - National voices -
End of the e-mail era? I'm not buying it - National voices - "don't know about you, but I'm overwhelmed by e-mail.
Yes, I know. The Wall Street Journal has declared that e-mail's reign is over. It's supposedly being replaced by technologies such as instant messaging, social networking and Twitter."
Yes, I know. The Wall Street Journal has declared that e-mail's reign is over. It's supposedly being replaced by technologies such as instant messaging, social networking and Twitter."
Donors rush to GiveMN website during 24-hour charity blitz |
Donors rush to GiveMN website during 24-hour charity blitz | "Midway into the state's first 'Give to the Max Day,'' Minnesotans donated more than $10.5 million to their favorite churches, charities and nonprofits.
The 24-hour online giving blitz ends at 8 a.m. today, but organizers were declaring it a mega-success by Tuesday afternoon."
The 24-hour online giving blitz ends at 8 a.m. today, but organizers were declaring it a mega-success by Tuesday afternoon."
Facebook, JP Morgan Chase To Give $5 Million Dollars To Charity Through Internet Promotion
Facebook, JP Morgan Chase To Give $5 Million Dollars To Charity Through Internet Promotion: "With this in mind, Facebook has teamed up with JP Morgan Chase to distribute more than $5 million across its network of nonprofit organizations. Based on the votes of Facebook users, the partnership will donate $1 million to the winning nonprofit, $100,000 each to the five runners up, and $25,000 each to the next 100 finalists. That may seem like everyone gets a piece of the pie, but all of Facebook's registered charities, totaling more than 500,000, are eligible to win."
The Pendulum - College admissions begin using social networking tools
The Pendulum - College admissions begin using social networking tools: "According to the National Association of College Admissions Counseling, about 60 percent of schools are now using social networking sites in their admissions processes.
One of these schools is Monmouth University in New Jersey, which is giving applicants the choice to submit either a written essay or Facebook video essay. Freshmen at Rutgers University have created blogs directed at prospective students to better educate them about college life. These blogs have proven popular, attracting more than 100 visitors daily."
One of these schools is Monmouth University in New Jersey, which is giving applicants the choice to submit either a written essay or Facebook video essay. Freshmen at Rutgers University have created blogs directed at prospective students to better educate them about college life. These blogs have proven popular, attracting more than 100 visitors daily."
How Does My Online Donation Page Look? = The Wrong Question : By Philip King : FundRaising Success
How Does My Online Donation Page Look? = The Wrong Question : By Philip King : FundRaising Success: "For many of you the upcoming holiday season will be the busiest time of the year for donations, and an increasing portion of those donations are arriving via your Web site. As a result, more of you are paying attention to your online donation pages. If you’re like many of our clients, all kinds of people are providing input, opinion and even demands about what your online donation pages should look like: 'Center this.' 'Add that image.' 'Add this video.' 'Make it look more like that other charity’s donation page.' Any of this sound familiar?"
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Facebook, Chase Team Up for Crowdsourced Philanthropy Program | Sustainability | Fast Company
Facebook, Chase Team Up for Crowdsourced Philanthropy Program | Sustainability | Fast Company: "Instead of just writing trite wall posts and playing FarmVille, what if Facebook users could be directed towards doing good deeds? That's the thinking behind the Chase Community Giving Program, a new app that allows users to choose from over 500,000 charities to decide which get cash from Chase's corporate philanthropy fund."
New Online Catalogue for Philanthropy in Washington, DC | Leading Companies for Good | Fast Company
New Online Catalogue for Philanthropy in Washington, DC | Leading Companies for Good | Fast Company: "Now more than ever, individuals, corporations, and foundations want to make informed choices when they make financial contributions to nonprofit organizations. And people want to volunteer where their time and talents will be put to good use. So how do you know which organizations to support?
A valuable print resource since 2003, the Catalogue for Philanthropy: Greater Washington went online tonight. 'We offer a wide variety of giving options, including a gift registry and gift cards,' according to Barbara Harman, President and Editor, CFP-DC, and Executive Director, Harman Family Foundation."
A valuable print resource since 2003, the Catalogue for Philanthropy: Greater Washington went online tonight. 'We offer a wide variety of giving options, including a gift registry and gift cards,' according to Barbara Harman, President and Editor, CFP-DC, and Executive Director, Harman Family Foundation."
Friday, November 13, 2009
Jgooders Web site lets philanthropy start at just $5 | j. the Jewish news weekly of Northern California
Jgooders Web site lets philanthropy start at just $5 | j. the Jewish news weekly of Northern California: "However, Jgooders runs no projects of its own and fundraises nothing for itself. Rather, it is a Jewish philanthropic startup offering individual donors and Jewish or Israeli charities the chance to raise money with ease via new technology and social media promotion.
CGgooders Judith Stern Peck
Judith Stern Peck
It’s a new take on Jewish philanthropy, says founding investor and board member Judith Stern Peck, one of five investors who established the initiative with Israelis Smadar Fogel and Ronit Dolev."
CGgooders Judith Stern Peck
Judith Stern Peck
It’s a new take on Jewish philanthropy, says founding investor and board member Judith Stern Peck, one of five investors who established the initiative with Israelis Smadar Fogel and Ronit Dolev."
Goodbye, galas: Jewish nonprofits turn to social media for new types of fundraising | j. the Jewish news weekly of Northern California
Goodbye, galas: Jewish nonprofits turn to social media for new types of fundraising | j. the Jewish news weekly of Northern California: "Whoever thought you’d see a former U.S. poet laureate singing a kitschy jingle on YouTube, asking for funds for a small nonprofit that most of his readers have never heard of?
In today’s great economic meltdown, nonprofits are searching for alternative ways to raise money, even if it means calling in a favor from Robert Pinsky."
In today’s great economic meltdown, nonprofits are searching for alternative ways to raise money, even if it means calling in a favor from Robert Pinsky."
The Majority Of Nonprofits Embrace Social Media | WebProNews
The Majority Of Nonprofits Embrace Social Media | WebProNews: "The majority (88%) of nonprofit organizations are experimenting with social media to engage audiences, but 79 percent are not sure of its value for their organizations, according to a new survey by Weber Shandwick's Social Impact team and KRC Research."
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Give a microdonation to your favorite charity | Webware - CNET
Give a microdonation to your favorite charity | Webware - CNET: "Making microdonations on the Web is a little harder than it once was. Many of the services I would have included in this roundup have shuttered in the past year. In fact, there are just a handful of viable such services left.
Regardless, each of the services listed below will help you connect with the charitable organization (or person) you care about most. You can choose a cause, decide how much to donate, and you're done. It's a really simple process. And if you're in the mood to share, it should be a rewarding one"
Regardless, each of the services listed below will help you connect with the charitable organization (or person) you care about most. You can choose a cause, decide how much to donate, and you're done. It's a really simple process. And if you're in the mood to share, it should be a rewarding one"
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The Rockport Pilot > News > County commissioners approve ‘day of giving’
The Rockport Pilot > News > County commissioners approve ‘day of giving’: "“Whereas it is recognized that charitable contributions to nonprofit charitable organizations are an important factor in improving the quality of life in the community by providing a safety net for those most vulnerable and at risk.
“Whereas, Aransas County wishes to encourage and broaden philanthropy, charitable giving and volunteering in this community.
“Whereas a unique website,, has been created to facilitate online giving by citizens.”"
“Whereas, Aransas County wishes to encourage and broaden philanthropy, charitable giving and volunteering in this community.
“Whereas a unique website,, has been created to facilitate online giving by citizens.”"
DMA launches report into mobile marketing - News | THE DRUM - Advertising, Design, Media, Marketing, Digital, PR - News, Information & Jobs
DMA launches report into mobile marketing - News | THE DRUM - Advertising, Design, Media, Marketing, Digital, PR - News, Information & Jobs: "DMA launches report into mobile marketing
Below the line / UK
Marketers must go way beyond the current regulations to win consumer confidence in mobile marketing, according to the findings of a study published today by txt4ever in association with the Direct Marketing Association (DMA).
The Mobile Marketing White Paper: UK Spam Study polled consumers to identify the unwritten rules of acceptable engagement via mobile. Almost 70 per cent of consumers polled are happy to receive mobile marketing messages, and more than half stated that they would welcome SMS marketing messages from trusted brands with sales promotions and offers that they find of genuine benefit."
Below the line / UK
Marketers must go way beyond the current regulations to win consumer confidence in mobile marketing, according to the findings of a study published today by txt4ever in association with the Direct Marketing Association (DMA).
The Mobile Marketing White Paper: UK Spam Study polled consumers to identify the unwritten rules of acceptable engagement via mobile. Almost 70 per cent of consumers polled are happy to receive mobile marketing messages, and more than half stated that they would welcome SMS marketing messages from trusted brands with sales promotions and offers that they find of genuine benefit."
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
MediaShift Idea Lab . Using Mobile Phones to Map the Slums of Brazil | PBS
MediaShift Idea Lab . Using Mobile Phones to Map the Slums of Brazil | PBS: "A new project by Rede Jovem, a Brazilian non-profit that loosely translates to 'Youth Net,' seeks to change that. With the help of five young 'wiki-reporters' and GPS-equipped mobile phones, the non-profit is building a map of five Brazilian favelas: Complexo do Alemão, Cidade de Deus, Morro do Pavão-Pavãozinho, Morro Santa Marta and Complexo da Maré."
State of the Blogosphere 2009 Introduction Blogging - Technorati
State of the Blogosphere 2009 Introduction Blogging - Technorati: "Welcome to Technorati’s State of the Blogosphere 2009 report, which will be released in five consecutive daily segments."
Supporters Love New Media but Not Enough to Actually Donate - Cone Survey
Supporters Love New Media but Not Enough to Actually Donate - Cone Survey: "A study by Cone, a communications agency well-known for its work with cause-related marketing, has just released a study about customers, business, and the 'new media.'
Within that report are some very interesting insights about new media tools, nonprofits, and donors."
Within that report are some very interesting insights about new media tools, nonprofits, and donors."
Responsible Investing
Responsible Investing: "Home > National Programs > Responsible Investing
National Programs
Responsible Investing
More and more long-term investors, including foundations, are re-examining their investment beliefs and philosophies to take into account environmental, social and governance factors.
To support growing foundation interest in this area, CFC launched a Responsible Investing Pilot Project in 2007 working with foundations from across the country to:"
National Programs
Responsible Investing
More and more long-term investors, including foundations, are re-examining their investment beliefs and philosophies to take into account environmental, social and governance factors.
To support growing foundation interest in this area, CFC launched a Responsible Investing Pilot Project in 2007 working with foundations from across the country to:"
Hospitals embracing social media | | The News Journal
Hospitals embracing social media | | The News Journal: "Some 3,500 miles away, Delaware residents are keeping tabs on team members as they go from one town to another, thanks to daily postings and pictures on the hospital's Facebook page. Hospital spokeswoman Jenifer L. Harris, who is traveling with the team in Peru, plans to update the site -- as long as technology allows in the remote communities -- with details about many of the 200 surgeries that are scheduled."
Charities finally cashing in on Web 2.0 revolution - The Globe and Mail
Charities finally cashing in on Web 2.0 revolution - The Globe and Mail: "Tiny non-profits like GuluWalk have been some of the biggest winners in the Web 2.0 revolution, but online fundraising is growing in importance for charities of all sizes. While only about 10 per cent of Canadians have donated online to date, according to a study by Ipsos Reid, that's up dramatically from the 4 per cent who reported doing so last year. In fact, as the downturn bites into charities' donation totals, direct-mail expenses grow while ROI declines, and telemarketing is curbed by do-not-call lists, the one area where fundraising results are improving is online."
Bringing the Business of IT to the Nonprofit World | GOOD
Bringing the Business of IT to the Nonprofit World | GOOD: "Bringing the Business of IT to the Nonprofit World
* Posted by: WilliamSimpson
* on November 9, 2009 at 1:17 pm
Five questions every nonprofit IT department should be asking
In the world of nonprofits, as in most organizations, decisions can be made fast. Opportunities arise and actions must be taken, sometimes without informing the entire staff of what’s to come. Information Technology, or IT, is too often the last department to find out about the plan – a plan that frequently requires our involvement to implement. IT departments often feel like they’re trying to catch up, versus being an integral part of the planning process, which I believe can make a major difference in the efficiency and effectiveness of a nonprofit organization."
* Posted by: WilliamSimpson
* on November 9, 2009 at 1:17 pm
Five questions every nonprofit IT department should be asking
In the world of nonprofits, as in most organizations, decisions can be made fast. Opportunities arise and actions must be taken, sometimes without informing the entire staff of what’s to come. Information Technology, or IT, is too often the last department to find out about the plan – a plan that frequently requires our involvement to implement. IT departments often feel like they’re trying to catch up, versus being an integral part of the planning process, which I believe can make a major difference in the efficiency and effectiveness of a nonprofit organization."
Monday, November 09, 2009
Online giving on the rise despite recession and bleak nonprofit forecasts | The Daily Tell
Online giving on the rise despite recession and bleak nonprofit forecasts | The Daily Tell: "Network for Good, a nonprofit organization that offers online fundraising services, announced that the number of donations to nonprofits through the organization’s platform has increased by 92 percent since 2008, while the dollar value of donations has increased by 42 percent.
In addition, the organization noted that it has distributed donations to 60 percent more charities so far in 2009, and has surpassed the $300-million mark in online donations since its inception in November 2001."
In addition, the organization noted that it has distributed donations to 60 percent more charities so far in 2009, and has surpassed the $300-million mark in online donations since its inception in November 2001."
The NonProfit Times - Small Nonprofits Dominate America's Giving Challenge
The NonProfit Times - The Leading Business Publication For Nonprofit Management: "Small Nonprofits Dominate America's Giving Challenge
By Michele Donohue
A 30-day online competition showed how social media allows small nonprofits to garner huge support from donors during America’s Giving Challenge, which ended at 3 p.m. EST today.
The Challenge spurned more than 106,000 unique donations generating more than $2 million in donations estimated at the close. The Challenge leveraged the power of social networks and raised slightly more than the original Giving Challenge, which raised nearly $1.8 million and was 20 days longer."
By Michele Donohue
A 30-day online competition showed how social media allows small nonprofits to garner huge support from donors during America’s Giving Challenge, which ended at 3 p.m. EST today.
The Challenge spurned more than 106,000 unique donations generating more than $2 million in donations estimated at the close. The Challenge leveraged the power of social networks and raised slightly more than the original Giving Challenge, which raised nearly $1.8 million and was 20 days longer."
Friday, November 06, 2009
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Street-level help for big projects -
Street-level help for big projects - "The second project is an experiment in what is called e-philanthropy, or online giving. A new website,, seeks to bring donors, non-profits and specific projects together. The web site allows donors to search for charities in Minnesota and elsewhere that do work the donors are interested in. It creates a one-stop site for donations and allows donors to track their giving and keep their receipts for tax purposes in a single handy location."
The NonProfit Times - The Leading Business Publication For Nonprofit Management
The NonProfit Times - The Leading Business Publication For Nonprofit Management: "Time, Resources Slow Nonprofit Social Media Adoption
The responses of 1,295 nonprofit executives show that 91 percent raise money online, but only 58 percent of those nonprofits use social media for fundraising. Sharing their story, building a community, public relations, and donor engagement/retention -- not raising funds -- were listed as the nonprofits’ top reasons for engaging in social media."
The responses of 1,295 nonprofit executives show that 91 percent raise money online, but only 58 percent of those nonprofits use social media for fundraising. Sharing their story, building a community, public relations, and donor engagement/retention -- not raising funds -- were listed as the nonprofits’ top reasons for engaging in social media."
Friday, October 30, 2009
Library clips :: Online communities - technical facilitators are not enough :: October :: 2009
Library clips :: Online communities - technical facilitators are not enough :: October :: 2009: "I’m finding that some Communities of Practice (CoPs) at work are lacking leadership even though they have a community leader.
This is a broad statement, and there can be many reasons for this, but in this post I want to focus on one particular reason."
This is a broad statement, and there can be many reasons for this, but in this post I want to focus on one particular reason."
Churches connect with parishioners online --
Churches connect with parishioners online -- "On Tuesday, 250 Web-savvy Christians -- from blogging pastors to iPhone programmers -- gathered at Park Community for Cultivate 09, an interactive conference on ministry communication, which includes marketing strategy. More than a third of Americans younger than 50 don't have a religious affiliation, according to a 2008 study by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, but conference organizers say Web-based campaigns help bring younger, 'unchurched' people into the Christian community."
What Are the Challenges to Social Network Fundraising? | eJewish Philanthropy: The Jewish Philanthropy Blog
What Are the Challenges to Social Network Fundraising? | eJewish Philanthropy: The Jewish Philanthropy Blog: "roving that social media can be used to raise significant funds for nonprofits is “the brass ring” that every nonprofit utilizing social media wants to reach. But it is quite an elusive brass ring! There are a number of challenges to overcome before social network fundraising is as easy (and fruitful) as email donation solicitation, offline donation appeals, or the “donate now” button on the website. On the other hand, social network fundraising is growing: both by adoption, use and acceptance. This post explores the existing challenges to acceptance and raising large amounts of funds using social networks – and brainstorming ideas to overcome the barriers."
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Americans Unsure About Social Media's Charity Benefits, Survey Finds -
Americans Unsure About Social Media's Charity Benefits, Survey Finds - "Americans Unsure About Social Media's Charity Benefits, Survey Finds
Americans seem to be conflicted about the role of social networks as a way to support the causes they care about.
According to a new survey, while nearly eight in 10 people who use new media think the technology can help companies and nonprofit organizations to raise money and awareness for causes, fewer than one in five has made a donation using the tools."
Americans seem to be conflicted about the role of social networks as a way to support the causes they care about.
According to a new survey, while nearly eight in 10 people who use new media think the technology can help companies and nonprofit organizations to raise money and awareness for causes, fewer than one in five has made a donation using the tools."
Sage Launches Financial Certification Program for Nonprofits
Sage Launches Financial Certification Program for Nonprofits: "Sage North America has launched a certification program for its Sage MIP Fund Accounting nonprofit customers aimed at gaining recognition for their expertise through continuing professional education-eligible workshops."
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Nonprofits Using Social Media to Engage and Share, Says Sage North America Survey | SYS-CON INDIA
PRESS Release
Nonprofits Using Social Media to Engage and Share, Says Sage North America Survey | SYS-CON INDIA: "AUSTIN, TX -- (Marketwire) -- 10/28/09 -- Sage North America today announced the results of its recently conducted social media survey for nonprofit organizations in the U.S. and Canada. One of the most interesting findings: 91% of respondents raise funds online, but only 58 percent of those nonprofits using social media cite fundraising as a goal for using it. 'Sharing our story,' building a community, public relations, and donor engagement/retention -- not raising funds -- were listed as the nonprofits' top reasons for engaging in social media."
Nonprofits Using Social Media to Engage and Share, Says Sage North America Survey | SYS-CON INDIA: "AUSTIN, TX -- (Marketwire) -- 10/28/09 -- Sage North America today announced the results of its recently conducted social media survey for nonprofit organizations in the U.S. and Canada. One of the most interesting findings: 91% of respondents raise funds online, but only 58 percent of those nonprofits using social media cite fundraising as a goal for using it. 'Sharing our story,' building a community, public relations, and donor engagement/retention -- not raising funds -- were listed as the nonprofits' top reasons for engaging in social media."
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Pop!Tech conference attracts corporations, launches Lab initiative - BusinessWeek
Pop!Tech conference attracts corporations, launches Lab initiative - BusinessWeek: "The Pop!Tech conference, held annually in the lovely town of Camden, Maine, is rapidly expanding beyond a “big think” gathering of academics, journalists, scientists, and innovation gurus. It’s becoming a magnet for corporate executives, too, who are trying to answer questions such as those posed by Pop!Tech’s curator, Andrew Zolli, in his opening remarks: “Is reinvention possible? Can technology save us? What is the next social contract?”"
Monday, October 26, 2009
Social network updates a friend to charities
Social network updates a friend to charities: "Got a tweet to spare? It could help the charity of your choice.
A week ago, a record number of status updates on Twitter and Facebook using the phrase '#BeatCancer' helped raise $70,000 for four non-profit cancer organizations"
A week ago, a record number of status updates on Twitter and Facebook using the phrase '#BeatCancer' helped raise $70,000 for four non-profit cancer organizations"
Kenyan schools get wired up - The National Newspaper
Kenyan schools get wired up - The National Newspaper: "n the past six years, an organisation called Computers for Schools Kenya has placed more than 20,000 computers in institutions across the country, bringing disadvantaged youths into the information and communication technology (ICT) age.
“The philosophy behind what we are doing is that ICT is the greatest facility of development known to man,” said Fredrick Okono, the deputy director of Computers for Schools. “We see computers as a tool that will help meet all needs.”"
“The philosophy behind what we are doing is that ICT is the greatest facility of development known to man,” said Fredrick Okono, the deputy director of Computers for Schools. “We see computers as a tool that will help meet all needs.”"
Tulsa World: Mobile app may benefit charities
Tulsa World: Mobile app may benefit charities: "A new mobile technology aims to help individuals make donations to their favorite charity by using their smart phones and iPhones.
Launched this month, CharityCall aims to help charities reach out to an increasingly mobile public.
This mobile platform is the brainchild of Bob Jones, a former Tulsan."
Launched this month, CharityCall aims to help charities reach out to an increasingly mobile public.
This mobile platform is the brainchild of Bob Jones, a former Tulsan."
Future Leaders in Philanthropy: FLiP -- Developing Philanthropic Leadership
From the FLIP Blog at Changing Our World
Future Leaders in Philanthropy: FLiP -- Developing Philanthropic Leadership: "Microsoft Launches '7 Ways to Change the World'
1CAHDSO00CA22Q76SCA9H5GQOCAWG0XXZCAW1U8QGCA2F6DD6CA9AVD9YCAU7HIG3CAGI1CMFCAU7TIN7CA9HWC5FCAKNZPSCCAQ196LBCAX1JSK4CAE71W3CCATB59PFCARKK25FCA3S65AMCANL08PT Today at the Business for Social Responsibility Conference in San Francisco, Pamela Passman, corporate vice president of Microsoft Global Corporate Affairs, announced “7 Ways to Change the World,” a new online competition to celebrate the general availability of Windows 7 tomorrow, and the power of technology to help change the world."
Future Leaders in Philanthropy: FLiP -- Developing Philanthropic Leadership: "Microsoft Launches '7 Ways to Change the World'
1CAHDSO00CA22Q76SCA9H5GQOCAWG0XXZCAW1U8QGCA2F6DD6CA9AVD9YCAU7HIG3CAGI1CMFCAU7TIN7CA9HWC5FCAKNZPSCCAQ196LBCAX1JSK4CAE71W3CCATB59PFCARKK25FCA3S65AMCANL08PT Today at the Business for Social Responsibility Conference in San Francisco, Pamela Passman, corporate vice president of Microsoft Global Corporate Affairs, announced “7 Ways to Change the World,” a new online competition to celebrate the general availability of Windows 7 tomorrow, and the power of technology to help change the world."
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Edward Norton signs up to Twitter for Maasai charity | ENTERTAINMENT News
Edward Norton signs up to Twitter for Maasai charity | ENTERTAINMENT News: "Despite his web worries, Norton has agreed to sign up to Twitter to help raise money for his favourite charity, the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust.
'It's a good example of a way that you can turn that platform into something where you actually can accomplish something good."
'It's a good example of a way that you can turn that platform into something where you actually can accomplish something good."
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Facebook's Gift Shop Sings A New Tune -
Facebook's Gift Shop Sings A New Tune - "While you can currently purchase gifts from non-profits, like Kiva, Project Red, TOMS Shoes, Charity Water and the World Wildlife Fund, Facebook is now also including gifts via the Causes application. So you can make donations to a cause as a gift for your friends for pretty much any cause supported through the app."
New Study Reveals Nonprofits Still Need to Adapt Online Communications Best Practices - frogloop Home~Care2's blog for nonprofits - frogloop
New Study Reveals Nonprofits Still Need to Adapt Online Communications Best Practices - frogloop Home~Care2's blog for nonprofits - frogloop: "After studying over 50 international nonprofit organization's email lists and response rates, the 2009 eCampaigning Review Study revealed that 60% of nonprofits present a compelling argument for supporters to take action, yet close to 70% of the organizations did not send a follow up email within one month. 37% of nonprofits did not even bother to send a thank you email. This surprised members of the nonprofit community because both thanking supporters and updating them after taking an action online is part of Online Advocacy 101. Both email strategies should be a part of any online communications"
Philanthropy 1.0 And The Megaphone Of Social Media - On The Scene With Shira - CBS News
Philanthropy 1.0 And The Megaphone Of Social Media - On The Scene With Shira - CBS News: "Last week, I had the opportunity to moderate a panel at the Blogworld Expo in Las Vegas. The topic was: Online Locally, Act Globally.
What does this mean exactly?"
What does this mean exactly?"
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Akhtar Badshah: Seven Ways Technology Can Change the World
Akhtar Badshah: Seven Ways Technology Can Change the World: "Every day I am privileged to see how the power of software technology can accelerate change and help to solve some of our society's most pressing issues. Technology is a key tool for social and economic development. It can help people get a better education, learn new skills to earn a living wage, or start a business. It also can enable organizations, NGOs in particular, to better meet community needs. Many nonprofits already embrace technology, improving their productivity and easing their constant struggle to do more with less."
Online cancer-fighting inititive sets Guinness record | Webware - CNET
Online cancer-fighting inititive sets Guinness record | Webware - CNET: "BeatCancer, a charitable campaign that launched at the BlogWorld & New Media Expo, started making its way around the social Web last week. The goal was to set a new Guinness World Record for the most social mentions in a 24-hour period while raising cash for cancer organizations. Users were asked to include the #BeatCancer hash tag in tweets, Facebook status updates, and blog posts."
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
dBusinessNews :: Daily Business News Delivered to Your Desktop
PRESS Release
dBusinessNews :: Daily Business News Delivered to Your Desktop: "The Minnesota Community Foundation and other key nonprofit leaders in Minnesota created GiveMN to take advantage of the many benefits offered by online giving for both donors and nonprofits. While the median nonprofit raises less than 1 percent of its funds online today, e-philanthropy is far less expensive for nonprofits than traditional fundraising methods, such as direct mail or grant writing.
'Minnesotans have long led the nation in charitable giving and civic innovation, but we aren't fulfilling the great potential of online philanthropy,' said Dana Nelson, executive director of GiveMN. 'We believe GiveMN will help advance charitable giving in the Internet age. It will offer people a one-stop shop to explore and support their favorite causes.'"
dBusinessNews :: Daily Business News Delivered to Your Desktop: "The Minnesota Community Foundation and other key nonprofit leaders in Minnesota created GiveMN to take advantage of the many benefits offered by online giving for both donors and nonprofits. While the median nonprofit raises less than 1 percent of its funds online today, e-philanthropy is far less expensive for nonprofits than traditional fundraising methods, such as direct mail or grant writing.
'Minnesotans have long led the nation in charitable giving and civic innovation, but we aren't fulfilling the great potential of online philanthropy,' said Dana Nelson, executive director of GiveMN. 'We believe GiveMN will help advance charitable giving in the Internet age. It will offer people a one-stop shop to explore and support their favorite causes.'"
29 Nonprofit Bloggers to Follow on Twitter « Nonprofit Tech 2.0
29 Nonprofit Bloggers to Follow on Twitter « Nonprofit Tech 2.0: "* Home
29 Nonprofit Bloggers to Follow on Twitter
2009 October 19
tags: Blogging, Twitter
by nonprofitorgs
Last week I asked the followers of @NonprofitOrgs to nominate their favorite nonprofit bloggers. The list below is the result of that “Tweet Out”. Some on the list are very known in the nonprofit sector, and others are completely under the radar and providing some very valuable resources to the nonprofit sector."
29 Nonprofit Bloggers to Follow on Twitter
2009 October 19
tags: Blogging, Twitter
by nonprofitorgs
Last week I asked the followers of @NonprofitOrgs to nominate their favorite nonprofit bloggers. The list below is the result of that “Tweet Out”. Some on the list are very known in the nonprofit sector, and others are completely under the radar and providing some very valuable resources to the nonprofit sector."
Monday, October 19, 2009
Group to aid nonprofits -
Group to aid nonprofits - "Calling all nonprofits: There’s a new group in town that wants to help charities that promote entrepreneurship and innovation programs for young people.
It’s called TUGG, which stands for Technology Underwriting Greater Good, and it’s made up of professionals who already understand the worlds of finance and technology.
Now they’re looking to lay the foundation for the next generation of technologically minded charitable groups in Boston."
It’s called TUGG, which stands for Technology Underwriting Greater Good, and it’s made up of professionals who already understand the worlds of finance and technology.
Now they’re looking to lay the foundation for the next generation of technologically minded charitable groups in Boston."
Twitter to squeeze the wine business for charity | Webware - CNET
Twitter to squeeze the wine business for charity | Webware - CNET: "n an attempt to boost literacy rates around the world, Twitter has launched a wine label with San Francisco-based winery Crushpad.
The label is dubbed Fledgling Wine. In addition to its Web site, the self-described 'social winemaking venture' has a Twitter page too that just kicked in minutes ago"
The label is dubbed Fledgling Wine. In addition to its Web site, the self-described 'social winemaking venture' has a Twitter page too that just kicked in minutes ago"
Friday, October 16, 2009
Blog Action Day 2009: Climate Change
Blog Action Day 2009: Climate Change: "Blog Action Day Wrap!
Thank you for participating in Blog Action Day 2009! We had an amazing 13,188 blogs from 155 countries with more than 17 million readers participate. Also blogging were the governments of the United Kingdom and Spain along with The White House. We want to especially thank our more than 50 nonprofit partners for their support, including the TckTckTck coalition and The Alliance for Climate Protection. For a full round-up of the event, click here."
Thank you for participating in Blog Action Day 2009! We had an amazing 13,188 blogs from 155 countries with more than 17 million readers participate. Also blogging were the governments of the United Kingdom and Spain along with The White House. We want to especially thank our more than 50 nonprofit partners for their support, including the TckTckTck coalition and The Alliance for Climate Protection. For a full round-up of the event, click here."
Twitter tries charity with Room to Read - Technology Live -
Twitter tries charity with Room to Read - Technology Live - "Twitter is partnering for the first time with a charity as part of a Corporate Social Innovation initiative. Today, it said it is teaming with Room to Read, a San Francisco-based non-profit that helps educate children in developing countries."
Thursday, October 15, 2009
New Video Series Helps Exempt Organizations Understand Redesigned Form 990 Requirements | Planned Giving Design Center
New Video Series Helps Exempt Organizations Understand Redesigned Form 990 Requirements | Planned Giving Design Center: "To help illustrate key points and answer important questions about the new Form 990, the IRS’ Exempt Organizations Division developed “The New Form 990: Getting Started,” a case study about a hypothetical organization – Exempt Organization for Disaster Relief (EODR)."
Fast Internet access becomes a legal right in Finland -
Fast Internet access becomes a legal right in Finland - "(CNN) -- Finland has become the first country in the world to declare broadband Internet access a legal right."
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
White Paper – Online Community Vendors — SocialFish
White Paper – Online Community Vendors — SocialFish: "Six Online Community Vendors for Associations: An Analysis, is now available for download. It features six fabulous vendors who are committed to the association community–Higher Logic, NFi Studios, The Port, The Social Collective, Socious, and SusQtech."
Friday, October 02, 2009
Nonprofits turn to Lake Norman Facebook users
Nonprofits turn to Lake Norman Facebook users: "United Family Services' Mooresville/Lake Norman Office, The Ada Jenkins Center and the Davidson Housing Coalition have formed a media campaign called Tell Two to help raise awareness of the agencies through social networking."
Usability News 112 - Owens_Trick or Tweet: How Usable is Twitter for First-Time Users?
Usability News 112 - Owens: "Trick or Tweet: How Usable is Twitter for First-Time Users?
Justin W. Owens, Kelsi Lenz, and Stephanie Speagle
Summary. Social networking websites have become common tools people use for communication and sharing media such as photos. Currently, one of the most popular social networking websites is Twitter. A usability study was conducted with first-time users to determine ease of use and satisfaction with the site. The evaluation revealed several issues involving signing up for a new account, site terminology, and basic communication."
Justin W. Owens, Kelsi Lenz, and Stephanie Speagle
Summary. Social networking websites have become common tools people use for communication and sharing media such as photos. Currently, one of the most popular social networking websites is Twitter. A usability study was conducted with first-time users to determine ease of use and satisfaction with the site. The evaluation revealed several issues involving signing up for a new account, site terminology, and basic communication."
Thursday, October 01, 2009
5 Ways to Optimize Your Online Surveys | eMarketing & Commerce (eM+C)
5 Ways to Optimize Your Online Surveys | eMarketing & Commerce (eM+C): "A good online survey functions like a GPS for your business. A simple yet thoughtfully assembled online survey gathers important feedback — e.g., market information and customer “coordinates” — that keeps your business on track and moving in the right direction."
Is the Used Computer Market Going Away?
Is the Used Computer Market Going Away?: "If your organization has considered acquiring a refurbished PC, but is tempted by the falling prices of newer IT equipment, you may wonder just why you might consider buying refurbished over a shiny new model. You’re not alone: others have also questioned — sometimes loudly — how long the used computer market can last given the diminishing prices of new equipment.
Yet to paraphrase Mark Twain, reports of the refurbished computer’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. Nor are they anything new: Oakland Technology Exchange West’s Bruce Buckelew, who has been refurbishing computers and supplying them to low-income students for a decade, recalls doomsday forecasts about the computer refurbishment field way back when he first started."
Yet to paraphrase Mark Twain, reports of the refurbished computer’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. Nor are they anything new: Oakland Technology Exchange West’s Bruce Buckelew, who has been refurbishing computers and supplying them to low-income students for a decade, recalls doomsday forecasts about the computer refurbishment field way back when he first started."
Showdown At The Web Corral: Convincing Your Boss to Fix a Hideous Website | Switch | Fast Company
Showdown At The Web Corral: Convincing Your Boss to Fix a Hideous Website | Switch | Fast Company: "Q: I work for a nonprofit with a hideous website. Hideous in the sense that the copy is generic and bland and filled with jargon. Supremely unsticky, in other words."
Google Makes Hyperlocal Search An Even Hotter Topic | Technomix | Fast Company
Google Makes Hyperlocal Search An Even Hotter Topic | Technomix | Fast Company: "Google's given its mobile browser version a serious make-over, and added in some very neat tweaks that result in a 'redesigned local search experience on your phone.' The two new killer features are a category-based local services feature, for quick access to the right information, and a behind-the-scenes tie-up with your desktop Google map usage so that you can integrate search results from the PC to your smartphone. The promo video does a tidy job of explaining it all:"
Carroll County News: Story: Recovery Arkansas Web site has new features added
Carroll County News: Story: Recovery Arkansas Web site has new features added: "Arkansas Coalition for Excellence (ACE): ACE is committed to the state's nonprofit sector. As the state's designee, ACE pursues nonprofit ARRA grants, contracts and public program opportunities.
For more information visit:"
For more information visit:"
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Social media keep flood victims connected
Social media keep flood victims connected: "(09-28) 18:49 PDT -- With their homes and offices flooded, landlines overloaded and electricity knocked out, residents of the typhoon-stricken regions of the Philippines managed to report news of their plight to the world by using cell phones and social networks."
Tips From the Twitter Elite | FastMinds | Fast Company
Tips From the Twitter Elite | FastMinds | Fast Company: "The Who's Who of twitter were out in full force at this week's 140 Conference at the Los Angeles Skirball Center. I got to heckle speakers with @adventuregirl (+1 million followers), talk branding strategy with @ijustine (700,000 followers), and speak on a panel with @pistachio (author of Twitter for Dummies)."
Monday, September 28, 2009
Idealware: Reflections on Idealware’s Facebook Launch
Idealware: Reflections on Idealware’s Facebook Launch: "Reflections on Idealware’s Facebook Launch
by Kaitlin LaCasse
As you may know, we at Idealware launched our Facebook fan page on Wednesday, September 16. Now that we have been trying to nurture the page for over a week, I thought you might be interested in what we’ve seen (so far). A disclaimer before you continue: we are tracking results, but don’t really know what they mean yet, it has only been a week after all."
by Kaitlin LaCasse
As you may know, we at Idealware launched our Facebook fan page on Wednesday, September 16. Now that we have been trying to nurture the page for over a week, I thought you might be interested in what we’ve seen (so far). A disclaimer before you continue: we are tracking results, but don’t really know what they mean yet, it has only been a week after all."
Josh Nelson: New Media & Social Change: How Nonprofits are Using Web-based Technologies to Reach Their Goals
Josh Nelson: New Media & Social Change: How Nonprofits are Using Web-based Technologies to Reach Their Goals: "A new Hatcher Group report reveals how nonprofits are using new media technologies to advance social change. Based on interviews and a 70-question online survey of 30 nonprofits working on state-level advocacy issues"
CWTA - Press Releases
CWTA - Press Releases: "Mobile Giving Foundation and the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association Launch Charitable Mobile Platform to Drive Giving in Canada
Non-Profit Plan Canada Goes Live with First Canadian Mobile Giving Short Code"
Non-Profit Plan Canada Goes Live with First Canadian Mobile Giving Short Code"
Blog Action Day 2009: Climate Change
Blog Action Day 2009: Climate Change: "Blog Action Day is an annual event that unites the world's bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day on their own blogs with the aim of sparking discussion around an issue of global importance. Blog Action Day 2009 will be the largest-ever social change event on the web. One day. One issue. Thousands of voices."
Friday, September 25, 2009
TechSoup Digital Storytelling Event
TechSoup Digital Storytelling Event: "Every organization has a story to tell. But yours doesn't have to be a bland, corporate-sounding video or canned sound bite. Even with limited resources, time, or skills, your nonprofit can tell a compelling story that captures the importance and impact of your cause — and we've got an event that will show you how! Mark your calendars for TechSoup Global's Digital Storytelling Online Event! This free event will take place across three separate platforms: Webinars, forums and Second Life. The webinar portion will take place over two days: Wednesday, September 30 and Thursday, October 1. Following the two days of webinars will be a two-week Community Challenge with accompanying discussions in the TechSoup forums."
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Nonprofits Paying Price for Gamble on Finances -
Nonprofits Paying Price for Gamble on Finances - "Homeowners and businesses were not alone in taking on piles of debt over the last decade. Nonprofits of all sizes did the same, and now they, too, are paying the price."
The NonProfit Times - The Leading Business Publication For Nonprofit Management
The NonProfit Times - The Leading Business Publication For Nonprofit Management: "Test Response To Web As If It’s Mail
If you test everything from envelope color to live stamps on your direct mail, why wouldn’t you take the same care with your Web site?"
If you test everything from envelope color to live stamps on your direct mail, why wouldn’t you take the same care with your Web site?"
Tweet, Tweet, Ka-Ching: Twitter is Changing the Way Nonprofits Make the Ask | All Up in Your Business | Fast Company
Tweet, Tweet, Ka-Ching: Twitter is Changing the Way Nonprofits Make the Ask | All Up in Your Business | Fast Company: "Can non-profits raise awareness, increase membership, and--most critically--“make the ask” successfully on Twitter? Can a 140-character message deliver the visceral wallop of, say, heart-wrenching footage of starving children covered in flies or the sad eyes of a neglected and abused animal? The answer is yes."
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN) Group News | LinkedIn
Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN) Group News | LinkedIn: "New applications and technologies are being developed at a rapid pace. This brave new world of touchscreens, aggregated data, and pastel AJAX-based social networking sites, is partly fueled by consumers' desires for faster, lighter, and often cheaper (if not free) technologies."
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Global Voices Online » Can social media help make microfinance sustainable?
Global Voices Online » Can social media help make microfinance sustainable?: "As the internet age hit, microlenders began looking for ways to replicate the Grameen Bank's success online. With the rise of social networking, especially peer-to-peer media, these lenders found their answer. The question, however, remains: Will social media help create a sustainable market for microfinance?"
Monday, September 21, 2009
K-State Collegian - Technology acts as avenue for seclusion or charity
K-State Collegian - Technology acts as avenue for seclusion or charity: "This generosity inspired the Thompsons to start the nonprofit group Giving Anonymously. Giving Anonymously, through, allows individuals to help their neighbors by having an anonymous check sent to their residence. Also, if you just have the spirit to help and are not sure who you can assist, the Web site has a database of those looking for assistance. Through the Internet and pure kindness, Giving Anonymously has demonstrated the strength of empathy in a social networking society."
Thursday, September 17, 2009
On tweeting during conferences — SocialFish
From Maddie Grant
On tweeting during conferences — SocialFish: "Hi all,
I do think sometimes it’s a very good idea to be “laptops down” during a presentation. But I’d like to offer an alternative viewpoint. In my experience, event attendees are MORE engaged when they are using Twitter."
On tweeting during conferences — SocialFish: "Hi all,
I do think sometimes it’s a very good idea to be “laptops down” during a presentation. But I’d like to offer an alternative viewpoint. In my experience, event attendees are MORE engaged when they are using Twitter."
The Internet as a Diversion | Pew Internet & American Life Project
The Internet as a Diversion | Pew Internet & American Life Project: "Three-quarters of online economic users--those Americans who use the internet to keep up with news about the economic recession or their own personal finances--go online to relax and take their minds off of the recession, according to an April 2009 survey by the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project."
GLAMOUR TO GEEK - Association Bisnow - Washington
GLAMOUR TO GEEK - Association Bisnow - Washington: "Should your association newsletter or magazine go online? We're a little biased, so we joined a dozen association-ites at an ASAE idea swap moderated by Stratton Publishing & Marketing's Debra Stratton. Her tips:"
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The NonProfit Times - The Leading Business Publication For Nonprofit Management
The NonProfit Times - The Leading Business Publication For Nonprofit Management: "What's All The Chirping?
Nonprofits flocking to Twitter, making friends and money
By Michele Donohue
Kristiana Kocis, major gifts officer at American Red Cross Santa Barbara County Chapter, met resistance when she pitched that the 117-year-old organization should delve into the social micro-blog Twitter."
Nonprofits flocking to Twitter, making friends and money
By Michele Donohue
Kristiana Kocis, major gifts officer at American Red Cross Santa Barbara County Chapter, met resistance when she pitched that the 117-year-old organization should delve into the social micro-blog Twitter."
Monday, September 14, 2009
Maryland Daily Record
Maryland Daily Record: "Spread the word with Twitter
Betsy Nelson
Special to The Daily Record
September 11, 2009
Like many in the nonprofit world, the Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers (ABAG) tries to ensure that it is up on the latest technology. Of course, this requires spending time learning what the latest technology is … and determining the cost, ease of use, and most important, the value it brings to the organization’s work and mission."
Betsy Nelson
Special to The Daily Record
September 11, 2009
Like many in the nonprofit world, the Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers (ABAG) tries to ensure that it is up on the latest technology. Of course, this requires spending time learning what the latest technology is … and determining the cost, ease of use, and most important, the value it brings to the organization’s work and mission."
Campaign seeks to boost charitable giving through surveys | News | Research
Campaign seeks to boost charitable giving through surveys | News | Research: "Hershey’s global head of insight Ed Martin is credited with developing the campaign which invites people to help raise funds for their preferred charities by taking part in online surveys.
The recruitment process will be aided by charities who are being urged to encourage their supporters to participate. Through this approach Martin believes companies will gain unprecedented reach among people who are not typically swayed to take part in market research projects. “It’s really the [charities] that we work with that are doing the recruiting and keeping them engaged,” said Martin."
The recruitment process will be aided by charities who are being urged to encourage their supporters to participate. Through this approach Martin believes companies will gain unprecedented reach among people who are not typically swayed to take part in market research projects. “It’s really the [charities] that we work with that are doing the recruiting and keeping them engaged,” said Martin."
Friday, September 11, 2009
New YouTube Feature Helps Charities Raise Money With Videos -
New YouTube Feature Helps Charities Raise Money With Videos - "Michael Hoffman, of See3 Communications, in Chicago, is using his See What’s Out There blog to spread the word about a new feature YouTube has created for charities in its YouTube Nonprofit Program."
Twitter Blog
Twitter Blog: "Now that we know more about how Twitter is being used, we've made changes to our Terms of Service—these are the basic rules that go along with using Twitter. The revisions more appropriately reflect the nature of Twitter and convey key issues such as ownership. For example, your tweets belong to you, not to Twitter. With these revisions, we expect some discussion so here are a few highlights from the updated page."
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
The NonProfit Times - The Leading Business Publication For Nonprofit Management
The NonProfit Times - The Leading Business Publication For Nonprofit Management: "Is It Donor Management Software Or Business Intelligence
By Paul Clolery
You would think that if someone adopts a dog or cat at a shelter that the organization would immediately know if that person was also a donor. But that wasn’t the case for an organization in the Midwest.
The organization changed its software and now coordinates information between departments. “For the first time they will know when a donor adopts a dog because their donors, adopters, volunteers, service providers and the people who drop off stray animals all reside in the same, easy-to-use system,” said Keith Heller, principal at Heller Consulting which is implementing Common Ground for the animal welfa"
By Paul Clolery
You would think that if someone adopts a dog or cat at a shelter that the organization would immediately know if that person was also a donor. But that wasn’t the case for an organization in the Midwest.
The organization changed its software and now coordinates information between departments. “For the first time they will know when a donor adopts a dog because their donors, adopters, volunteers, service providers and the people who drop off stray animals all reside in the same, easy-to-use system,” said Keith Heller, principal at Heller Consulting which is implementing Common Ground for the animal welfa"
An Interview with Sarah Koch from Facebook Causes |
An Interview with Sarah Koch from Facebook Causes | "Facebook has a lot of great applications, but by far one of the coolest is Causes. Not only can you use it to raise money for nonprofit organizations, there are a ton of other great features that can help organizations get their message out and engage their supporters – and Causes is constantly coming up with new ways to improve the application and help people make a difference."
Gear Up for Giving: Social Media Tutorials for Nonprofits | Case Foundation
Gear Up for Giving: Social Media Tutorials for Nonprofits | Case Foundation: "Gear Up for Giving is a month-long series of social media tutorials, to help nonprofits and their supporters understand how to use key tools and techniques to create awareness, catalyze civic action and cultivate new supporters and donors for their causes."
KIDS MAKE THE DARNDEST READERS - Association Bisnow - Washington
KIDS MAKE THE DARNDEST READERS - Association Bisnow - Washington: "How do you turn your Twitter followers and Facebook friends into members? Yesterday, we joined 25 association types at an ASAE idea swap at the Reagan Building to talk about social media. Moderator Lynn Morton, the one woman social media team for American Academy of Physician Assistants, offered tips:"
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
WordPress Adds Real-time Update Alerts, Makes RSS Relevant Again? | Technomix | Fast Company
WordPress Adds Real-time Update Alerts, Makes RSS Relevant Again? | Technomix | Fast Company: "WordPress just added a new feature called RSSCloud--and as unassuming as that sounds, it's going to have a potent effect on every WordPress blog: They're all going to get a little injection of real-time update action."
Seth's Blog: Clout
Seth's Blog: Clout: "Clout
The web knows something, but it's not telling us, at least not yet.
The web knows how many followers you have on Twitter, how many friends you have on Facebook, how many people read your blog."
The web knows something, but it's not telling us, at least not yet.
The web knows how many followers you have on Twitter, how many friends you have on Facebook, how many people read your blog."
Thursday, September 03, 2009
The Internet and Civic Engagement | Pew Internet & American Life Project
The Internet and Civic Engagement | Pew Internet & American Life Project: "Still, there are hints that the new forms of civic engagement anchored in blogs and social networking sites could alter long-standing patterns. Some 19% of internet users have posted material online about political or social issues or used a social networking site for some form of civic or political engagement. And this group of activists is disproportionately young."
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Google Gmail down across the world, massive outage (updated) - Computerworld Blogs
Google Gmail down across the world, massive outage (updated) - Computerworld Blogs: "users in Europe and Asia that are also out.
I've also tried to log onto Gmail from servers in London, Spain and France without any luck."
I've also tried to log onto Gmail from servers in London, Spain and France without any luck."
What Do Peapods and Philanthropy Have in Common? | eJewish Philanthropy: The Jewish Philanthropy Blog
What Do Peapods and Philanthropy Have in Common? | eJewish Philanthropy: The Jewish Philanthropy Blog: "So what does it take to build a major gifts program that can create a strong foundation for operational sustainability or to prepare for a special campaign that will take your organization to the next level?
Think peapods.
Yes, peapods. Like a peapod, every successful major gifts program – regardless of the sector you serve – has several “P’s”:"
Think peapods.
Yes, peapods. Like a peapod, every successful major gifts program – regardless of the sector you serve – has several “P’s”:"
ThePort Releases New Whitepaper to Help Nonprofit Organizations Evaluate Social Networking Software
Press Release
ThePort Releases New Whitepaper to Help Nonprofit Organizations Evaluate Social Networking Software: "Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) September 1, 2009 -- Social media solutions provider ThePort Network, Inc. announced today the availability of a new whitepaper entitled 'How to Identify Enterprise-Class Social Networking Platforms.' The whitepaper discusses critical factors organizations must evaluate when considering utilizing social network software and how to identify platforms that are tailored to help accomplish their mission. The whitepaper is available for free download at ThePort's website."
ThePort Releases New Whitepaper to Help Nonprofit Organizations Evaluate Social Networking Software: "Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) September 1, 2009 -- Social media solutions provider ThePort Network, Inc. announced today the availability of a new whitepaper entitled 'How to Identify Enterprise-Class Social Networking Platforms.' The whitepaper discusses critical factors organizations must evaluate when considering utilizing social network software and how to identify platforms that are tailored to help accomplish their mission. The whitepaper is available for free download at ThePort's website."
Microsoft extends IE 8 charity offer | Beyond Binary - CNET News
Microsoft extends IE 8 charity offer | Beyond Binary - CNET News: "Microsoft is extending a promotion that is designed to spur downloads of Internet Explorer 8 with the promise of donating food to the hungry.
The 'Browser for the Better' effort kicked off in June. Under the plan, Microsoft was donating $1.15 in food for each download completed through the program's Web site, up to a maximum of $1 million."
The 'Browser for the Better' effort kicked off in June. Under the plan, Microsoft was donating $1.15 in food for each download completed through the program's Web site, up to a maximum of $1 million."
Monday, August 31, 2009
Why is Google using Solr for search? | The Open Road - CNET News
Why is Google using Solr for search? | The Open Road - CNET News: "One of the top concerns we've been hearing from nonprofit organizations who list volunteer opportunities on All for Good is that their opportunities aren't updated on the site as frequently as they need. This happens because...we crawl feeds from partners like VolunteerMatch and Idealist just like Google web search crawls web pages. Crawlers don't immediately update, they take time to find new information."
3 Effective Twitter Tactics to Improve Search Marketing | eMarketing & Commerce (eM+C)
3 Effective Twitter Tactics to Improve Search Marketing | eMarketing & Commerce (eM+C): "Social media sites like Twitter give consumers a platform to voice their opinions and publicly influence others. By monitoring what consumers say on Twitter, marketers can learn what people think about their brands, identify social influencers and brand ambassadors, and respond to consumers and their needs strategically."
Fund-Raising Challenge Raises Money for Arts Groups -- and Ire -
Fund-Raising Challenge Raises Money for Arts Groups -- and Ire - "Fund-Raising Challenge Raises Money for Arts Groups -- and Ire
An online matching-grant challenge brought in $3.75-million for Detroit-area cultural groups — but not without technical difficulties and some angry donors, reports the Detroit Free Press.
The Community Foundation of Southeast Michigan put up $1-million for Tuesday’s Community Foundation Challenge, during which it agreed to match every dollar donated through its Web site to roughly 75 local arts groups with 50 cents from the foundation."
An online matching-grant challenge brought in $3.75-million for Detroit-area cultural groups — but not without technical difficulties and some angry donors, reports the Detroit Free Press.
The Community Foundation of Southeast Michigan put up $1-million for Tuesday’s Community Foundation Challenge, during which it agreed to match every dollar donated through its Web site to roughly 75 local arts groups with 50 cents from the foundation."
Welcome to the S.O.U.P. Update Page
Welcome to the S.O.U.P. Update Page : "Welcome to the S.O.U.P. Update Page
Your Source for the Latest News About our Renovation
Updated August 22, 2009: If you’ve had a chance to visit our home page, or our search page you’ve seen the first changes resulting from Phase 1 of an 18-month effort dubbed the Site Overhaul and Update Project (S.O.U.P.). This effort will deliver a complete overhaul of the technology that helps run smoothly, including work that has been done on our servers, new software packages to upgrade our major systems, and a new website design."
Your Source for the Latest News About our Renovation
Updated August 22, 2009: If you’ve had a chance to visit our home page, or our search page you’ve seen the first changes resulting from Phase 1 of an 18-month effort dubbed the Site Overhaul and Update Project (S.O.U.P.). This effort will deliver a complete overhaul of the technology that helps run smoothly, including work that has been done on our servers, new software packages to upgrade our major systems, and a new website design."
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Challenges of Allowing Offline Usage in a SaaS Based System | CloudAve
The Challenges of Allowing Offline Usage in a SaaS Based System | CloudAve: "So I was reading an article recently about the latest Google Reader and how it still can’t be used offline with full features. In particular the article focuses on its inability to allow you to read articles offline and then flag those articles as already read, such that when you get back online Google Reader doesn’t present them to you again, which is a waste of time."
Small nonprofit uses ‘crowdsourcing’ to attract philanthropy | The Daily Tell
Small nonprofit uses ‘crowdsourcing’ to attract philanthropy | The Daily Tell: "That was the case with Critical Exposure, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit that has only four staff members. Though it is small, the nonprofit firm was able to raise $15,669 from 614 donors during GlobalGiving’s U.S. Open Challenge."
Small Non-Profit Uses Social Media Win Online Fundraising Contest :: PNNOnline ::
Small Non-Profit Uses Social Media Win Online Fundraising Contest :: PNNOnline ::: "Critical Exposure, a small D.C.-based nonprofit organization that empowers low-income students through photography and advocacy training, used an array of social media channels -- including Twitter, Facebook and crowdsourcing -- to mobilize hundreds of supporters and prevail over larger, more-established organizations in the recent GlobalGiving U.S. Open Challenge.
The contest pitted more than 70 charitable organizations against one another for $9,000 in cash bonuses and permanent spots on, an online marketplace for international philanthropy. By strategically leveraging social networking and micro-blogging, Critical Exposure's staff of four was able to generate the most individual donations and win two bonuses totaling $5,000."
The contest pitted more than 70 charitable organizations against one another for $9,000 in cash bonuses and permanent spots on, an online marketplace for international philanthropy. By strategically leveraging social networking and micro-blogging, Critical Exposure's staff of four was able to generate the most individual donations and win two bonuses totaling $5,000."
Mobile Citizen Journalism: The Phone As Global Equalizer « MobileBehavior
Mobile Citizen Journalism: The Phone As Global Equalizer « MobileBehavior: "iran-mobile-citizen
The Iranian crisis put Twitter in the spotlight as an organizational tool showcasing how the online world could be used to communicate and unite people, despite government censorship. Armed with cell phones, Iranians were able to text, tweet, and send pictures and videos to the world community, focusing the spotlight on this world-altering event. Their efforts were not in vain; the international community rose in uproar to defend the democratic principles of Iran, forcing political and religious leaders to publicly discuss the issues."
The Iranian crisis put Twitter in the spotlight as an organizational tool showcasing how the online world could be used to communicate and unite people, despite government censorship. Armed with cell phones, Iranians were able to text, tweet, and send pictures and videos to the world community, focusing the spotlight on this world-altering event. Their efforts were not in vain; the international community rose in uproar to defend the democratic principles of Iran, forcing political and religious leaders to publicly discuss the issues." "First, let me admit that during much of the weekend I neglected to “look” for nonprofit messages and impressions as I entertained my son and his friends or enjoyed dinner with my wife and daughters, but none-the-less, I tracked more than 250 impressions and messages from 189 organizations from Thursday evening at 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday evening. Had I counted the plethora of Catholic Charities promoted in the narthex of my home parish, I think I could have doubled that (ok, maybe a slight exaggeration), but since mass started at 5:00 p.m. Sunday, I decided not to add them to the total – I did not count churches, but did count faith-based organizations, like the Mobile Loaves and Fishes truck feeding the homeless near a downtown park."
Friday, August 07, 2009
Crowded roads ahead for charity 2.0 | The Social - CNET News
Crowded roads ahead for charity 2.0 | The Social - CNET News: "Way back in February, the Web's elite were all abuzz over the 'Twestivals,' a series of events around the world that were organized online to benefit Charity Water, an otherwise small nonprofit organization that funds the construction of wells in developing countries. They ranged from small in-home gatherings to massive nightclub bashes, but there was one general, common hook: spread the word, donate, and tweet about it."
Social Media 2009 Outage Day 2: Everyone's Up Except Twitter
Social Media 2009 Outage Day 2: Everyone's Up Except Twitter: "Yesterday, Twitter, Facebook, LiveJournal, and Google's Blogger were targeted yesterday by a person or persons unknown in a denial-of-service attack (DDOS) which attempted to silence the voice of one individual. The target in question was a Georgian blogger who goes by the name of 'Cyxymu' online, according to recent reports from CNET. While Google withstood the attack, the other services suffered. LiveJournal and Twitter went down completely and Facebook struggled throughout the day."
Social Media and the Shifting Power Dynamics of Philanthropy (Social Entrepreneurship -
Social Media and the Shifting Power Dynamics of Philanthropy (Social Entrepreneurship - "The list is a virtual who's-who of philanthropy and nonprofit work. Some are honored for their attempts to better train the nonprofit industry, others are noted for the innovation which they've instilled in their foundations. The one major homage to technology comes in the recognition of Holly Ross, director of the awesome NTEN nonprofit technology conference."
The Wired Campus - Researchers Say Facebook Can Fuel Jealousy and Increase Time on Facebook - The Chronicle of Higher Education
The Wired Campus - Researchers Say Facebook Can Fuel Jealousy and Increase Time on Facebook - The Chronicle of Higher Education: "Researchers Say Facebook Can Fuel Jealousy and Increase Time on Facebook
By Marc Beja
Having relationship troubles? Is your significant other interrogating you, asking about your communication with people you used to date, or even with acquaintances you speak with infrequently?
Blame Facebook, say three researchers at the University of Guelph, in Ontario."
By Marc Beja
Having relationship troubles? Is your significant other interrogating you, asking about your communication with people you used to date, or even with acquaintances you speak with infrequently?
Blame Facebook, say three researchers at the University of Guelph, in Ontario."
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Golisano Children's Hospital holds photo contest to promote new giving site
Golisano Children's Hospital holds photo contest to promote new giving site: "The URMC Golisano Children’s Hospital recently made public its new “giving” site. The site makes it easy to give individual and specialized gifts to the hospital and even tells you how you can organize a fundraiser, find various ways to volunteer, or become a corporate sponsor. It also provides easy access to all current hospital news and charitable events."
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Guest Post by Michael Edson: Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy v 1.0
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Guest Post by Michael Edson: Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy v 1.0: "Guest Post by Michael Edson: Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy v 1.0
We've just posted Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy, Version 1.0. The strategy talks about an updated digital experience, a new learning model that helps people with their 'lifelong learning journeys,' and the creation of a Smithsonian Commons—a new part of our digital presence dedicated to stimulating learning, creation, and innovation through open access to Smithsonian research, collections and communities."
We've just posted Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy, Version 1.0. The strategy talks about an updated digital experience, a new learning model that helps people with their 'lifelong learning journeys,' and the creation of a Smithsonian Commons—a new part of our digital presence dedicated to stimulating learning, creation, and innovation through open access to Smithsonian research, collections and communities."
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Blue Avocado- How I Raised $1,000 on Facebook Without Breaking a Sweat
Blue Avocado: "We at Blue Avocado want to encourage people to make use of Facebook, LinkedIn and other social networking sites as more ways to support our communities. At the same time, there's so much hype about these sites that we also want to demystify them and temper expectations. This First Person Nonprofit story does both perfectly, and at the end we draw some conclusions for organizations."
Nonprofits use pilot site to post events, causes | | Democrat and Chronicle
Nonprofits use pilot site to post events, causes | | Democrat and Chronicle: "More than 100 nonprofit organizations, such as Red Cross, Rochester Area Community Foundation and others, are using the new Do Good feature on the home page at, and"
Smart-phone app lets you do good deeds in your spare time |
Smart-phone app lets you do good deeds in your spare time | "Using an iPhone, on-demand volunteers can tap into ongoing nonprofit work that would otherwise take months or years for a small team to accomplish. But the iPhone application taps into millions of potential helpers, each with a few free minutes to spare. The fledgling program, which is in public beta testing, currently asks users to help “tag” historical photos or videos for museums to make them searchable by computer."
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Advice From the Front Lines on Branding Via Social Media : By Abny Santicola : FundRaising Success
Advice From the Front Lines on Branding Via Social Media : By Abny Santicola : FundRaising Success: "In the session 'Effective Branding in a Social Media World' presented at the 2009 Bridge Conference held just outside Washington, D.C., in late July, presenters Holly Ross, executive director of NTEN; Bev Stanton, Web manager for National Parks Conservation Association; Wendy Harman, social-media manager for the American Red Cross; and Danielle Brigida, social-media outreach coordinator for the National Wildlife Federation, talked about the ins and outs of branding and shared tips for ensuring organizations stand out in online social networks."
Monday, August 03, 2009
Tech-savvy volunteers help nonprofits with Web work at Grand Rapids GiveCamp -
Tech-savvy volunteers help nonprofits with Web work at Grand Rapids GiveCamp - "The technologically skilled volunteers of GiveCamp, a three-day program that assists local nonprofit organizations, will gather from Nov. 13 to 15 in Grand Rapids."
Article - Doesn't Yet Measure Up For Advisers
Article - "NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--For building a financial adviser's business, Twitter might not be all it's tweeted up to be.
Droves of financial advisers who flocked to the micro-blogging site as a route to new clients haven't gotten the results they wanted. Others are confronting a host of compliance issues around what advisers can say in such a public arena.
'Twitter seems to be just a bunch of noise, and the type of clientele we want to attract - the typically older, high-net-worth investor - is not going to find me on Twitter,' said Fred Dent, a financial adviser at Raymond James Financial Services Inc. in Mclean, Va., who goes by @dentfred on Twitter.
Twitter may be useful if advisers lower their expectations and simply use it as a way to expand their overall network."
Droves of financial advisers who flocked to the micro-blogging site as a route to new clients haven't gotten the results they wanted. Others are confronting a host of compliance issues around what advisers can say in such a public arena.
'Twitter seems to be just a bunch of noise, and the type of clientele we want to attract - the typically older, high-net-worth investor - is not going to find me on Twitter,' said Fred Dent, a financial adviser at Raymond James Financial Services Inc. in Mclean, Va., who goes by @dentfred on Twitter.
Twitter may be useful if advisers lower their expectations and simply use it as a way to expand their overall network."
Video Job Interviews With Skype
Video Job Interviews With Skype: "To save on interviewing costs, companies are turning to their computers instead of phones and offices to conduct job interviews, including using programs like Skype to conduct long-distance or even international initial interviews."
Friday, July 31, 2009
Twitter Hasn't Jumped the Shark (and probably never will) | Innovations in Creativity | Fast Company
Twitter Hasn't Jumped the Shark (and probably never will) | Innovations in Creativity | Fast Company: "Twitter Hasn't Jumped the Shark (and probably never will)
BY JD Rucker1 hour, 59 minutes ago
This blog is written by a member of our blogging community and expresses that member's views alone.
Internet fads have proven to be short-lived, 'jumping the shark' and falling from grace as swiftly as they rose. Twitter will prove to be the exception because of its one permanently-redeeming quality: simplicity.
When social media experts talk about Twitter and its future, there is usually a time frame attached to qualify their statements. 'It's big and growing fast, but should lever out in 12-18 months before fading or becoming obsolete.'"
BY JD Rucker1 hour, 59 minutes ago
This blog is written by a member of our blogging community and expresses that member's views alone.
Internet fads have proven to be short-lived, 'jumping the shark' and falling from grace as swiftly as they rose. Twitter will prove to be the exception because of its one permanently-redeeming quality: simplicity.
When social media experts talk about Twitter and its future, there is usually a time frame attached to qualify their statements. 'It's big and growing fast, but should lever out in 12-18 months before fading or becoming obsolete.'"
Designing Emails for Mobile Devices - A How-To Guide | eMarketing & Commerce (eM+C)
Designing Emails for Mobile Devices - A How-To Guide | eMarketing & Commerce (eM+C): "Designing email messages for optimal performance on your subscribers’ computers and mobile devices can be challenging. Is it worth the effort? That depends on your subscribers’ viewing preferences and behaviors."
Thursday, July 30, 2009
How Do Companies Manage Multiple Users on Twitter and Other Social Media Accounts? | Identity Matters | Fast Company
How Do Companies Manage Multiple Users on Twitter and Other Social Media Accounts? | Identity Matters | Fast Company: "How Do Companies Manage Multiple Users on Twitter and Other Social Media Accounts?
BY FC Expert Blogger Kaliya Hamlin1 hour, 22 minutes ago
This blog is written by a member of our expert blogging community and expresses that expert's views alone.
Published on my blog earlier today as Missing: Privileged Account Management for Social Media.
This year at SXSW I moderated a panel about OpenID, OAuth and data portability in the Enterprise. We had a community lunch after the panel, and walking back to the convention center, I had an insight about a key missing piece of software -- Privileged Account Management (PAM) for the Social Web -- how are companies managing multiple employees logging in to their official Twitter, Facebook and YouTube accounts?"
BY FC Expert Blogger Kaliya Hamlin1 hour, 22 minutes ago
This blog is written by a member of our expert blogging community and expresses that expert's views alone.
Published on my blog earlier today as Missing: Privileged Account Management for Social Media.
This year at SXSW I moderated a panel about OpenID, OAuth and data portability in the Enterprise. We had a community lunch after the panel, and walking back to the convention center, I had an insight about a key missing piece of software -- Privileged Account Management (PAM) for the Social Web -- how are companies managing multiple employees logging in to their official Twitter, Facebook and YouTube accounts?"
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Net2NO: NetSquared Community Innovating in New Orleans | NetSquared, an initiative of
Net2NO: NetSquared Community Innovating in New Orleans | NetSquared, an initiative of "NetSquared's local groups are as unique and different as the cities where they are located. Some have small networks, others large; some meet once a month and others can't get enough; some create local projects and others rock their region! Net2NO, the local NetSquared group in New Orleans, LA, is a leader in making real impact on local communities. And it's only been a year!"
Quality Still Matters: Public Radio’s iPhone App | Epicenter |
Quality Still Matters: Public Radio’s iPhone App | Epicenter | "The country’s public radio networks recently launched an iPhone app with hundreds of stations and podcasts united in a single, searchable collection of live and on-demand streams." :: ::: "July 24, 2009 — The Front Door Collaborative, a Boston nonprofit that connects the homeless to housing resources, has launched a new website that aims to help city residents and service providers get the information they need to prevent homelessness."
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Networks end charity texts' VAT -
Networks end charity texts' VAT - "Good news for charities this week as VAT is waived on texted donations.
Several charities have been lobbying the mobile phone industry to get this charge stopped.
On a £1.50 donation, typically only around 95p goes to the charity as VAT – and a whopping cut for the network – are deducted."
Several charities have been lobbying the mobile phone industry to get this charge stopped.
On a £1.50 donation, typically only around 95p goes to the charity as VAT – and a whopping cut for the network – are deducted."
Monday, July 27, 2009
Twittering for a cause: Web 2.0 and its philanthropic impact | The Daily Tell
Twittering for a cause: Web 2.0 and its philanthropic impact | The Daily Tell: "Facebook may have just reached the 250 million user mark, but Twitter is the real media darling.
From news coverage to business marketing and back to the personal stories that launched it, the many uses of Twitter have revolutionized the way society thinks about communicating, 140 words at a time."
From news coverage to business marketing and back to the personal stories that launched it, the many uses of Twitter have revolutionized the way society thinks about communicating, 140 words at a time."
Tailoring Appeals To Today's Bleak Times -
Tailoring Appeals To Today's Bleak Times - "Tailoring Appeals To Today's Bleak Times
How can charities tailor their fund-raising solicitations to suit today’s meager times?
Here’s one way approach taken by Mercy Corps, in an e-mail solicitation to prospective and lapsed donors:"
How can charities tailor their fund-raising solicitations to suit today’s meager times?
Here’s one way approach taken by Mercy Corps, in an e-mail solicitation to prospective and lapsed donors:"
Business & Technology | Mobile giving is catching on | Seattle Times Newspaper
Business & Technology | Mobile giving is catching on | Seattle Times Newspaper: "Giving should be easy, it should be fun and it should be rewarding,' said Jim Manis, chief executive of the Mobile Giving Foundation, a Bellevue-based nonprofit that provides technology for charitable organizations to run mobile campaigns."
Kim Hart - The Download: Up-and-Comers Who Are Breaking Down a Digital Divide -
Kim Hart - The Download: Up-and-Comers Who Are Breaking Down a Digital Divide - "In 2000, she started Digital Sisters, a nonprofit that provides training for women and others who traditionally have not been part of the tech community. Nine years later, she said she still sees a huge digital divide that adversely affects women, especially minority women.
She's tried to bridge that gap by helping communities and neighborhoods take advantage of tools such as blogs, Facebook and Twitter to organize events, respond to issues and spread information."
She's tried to bridge that gap by helping communities and neighborhoods take advantage of tools such as blogs, Facebook and Twitter to organize events, respond to issues and spread information."
Slum children go digital in Johannesburg - Passport -
Slum children go digital in Johannesburg - Passport - "JOHANNESBURG -- With the help of a little green-and-white plastic laptop, two Boston sisters are changing the way a handful of South African slum kids think about their future -- and the world around them.
The Kliptown squatter camp, occupying a small corner of Johannesburg’s Soweto, itself synonymous with slum life, boasts little in the way of basic societal needs: It has obsolete infrastructure, no electricity, unsanitary living conditions, and next to no access to new technology."
The Kliptown squatter camp, occupying a small corner of Johannesburg’s Soweto, itself synonymous with slum life, boasts little in the way of basic societal needs: It has obsolete infrastructure, no electricity, unsanitary living conditions, and next to no access to new technology."
Kutcher: Media Turning Back Over to Consumers | The Wrap
Kutcher: Media Turning Back Over to Consumers | The Wrap: "The focus moved to Twitter at the Fortune Brainstorm Tech Conference as Ashton Kutcher, who has nearly 3 million followers on the social network, extolled the many uses of the site -- from philanthropic projects to political campaigns to promoting a movie."
Friday, July 24, 2009
Wunderman's Morel on Social Media, Online Video and Mobile | eMarketing & Commerce (eM+C)
Wunderman's Morel on Social Media, Online Video and Mobile | eMarketing & Commerce (eM+C): "MC: Do you think social networking is important?
DM: As for social networking, we monitor Twitter, but in my opinion, Twitter doesn’t really have many capabilities these days. We monitor all of the blogs and online communities, of course. We then harvest that information using a variety of tools in combination with vendors, such as Visible Technologies [a provider of online brand management solutions for new media environments that’s formed a strategic partnership with WPP] and Radian6 [a tool for real-time social media monitoring and analysis designed for advertising agencies]."
DM: As for social networking, we monitor Twitter, but in my opinion, Twitter doesn’t really have many capabilities these days. We monitor all of the blogs and online communities, of course. We then harvest that information using a variety of tools in combination with vendors, such as Visible Technologies [a provider of online brand management solutions for new media environments that’s formed a strategic partnership with WPP] and Radian6 [a tool for real-time social media monitoring and analysis designed for advertising agencies]."
10 Ways Universities Are Engaging Alumni Using Social Media
From Mashable
10 Ways Universities Are Engaging Alumni Using Social Media: "In the current economy, job security has become somewhat of an oxymoron. Which is one reason why maintaining connections with your old university classmates, especially when you find yourself looking for a new job, can be crucial. Now universities across the country are beginning to use social media tools to engage alumni and build a network of graduates with a shared affinity for the institution."
10 Ways Universities Are Engaging Alumni Using Social Media: "In the current economy, job security has become somewhat of an oxymoron. Which is one reason why maintaining connections with your old university classmates, especially when you find yourself looking for a new job, can be crucial. Now universities across the country are beginning to use social media tools to engage alumni and build a network of graduates with a shared affinity for the institution."
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Infospace Launches Charity Search Engine
Infospace Launches Charity Search Engine: "Bellevue, WA-based Internet search service provider Infospace announced the launch of a new search website focused on charity."
The NonProfit Times - The Leading Business Publication For Nonprofit Management
The NonProfit Times - The Leading Business Publication For Nonprofit Management: "Sierra Club Trails is one of about three social networking/online community sites sponsored by the Sierra Club, separate from its own Web site. It was launched in beta version only a couple of weeks earlier and traffic tripled the week of the Sanford email, though Bradbury couldn’t attribute the spike entirely to the email. A larger email blast was sent the week before promoting Sierra Club Trails to a segment of membership."
Efficiency in technology |
Efficiency in technology | "PORTSMOUTH — If you take the idea of Twitter with instant communication and then package it into a handheld device that could save lives in a time of desperation, you would have the Rapid Data Management System, created by Global Relief Technologies.
The company hosted seven American Red Cross staffers at Pease International Tradeport Monday and Tuesday at a workshop that taught them how to use the system to assess damage during and after disasters. So far, the Red Cross has used the RDMS while working with hurricanes Dolly, Ike and Gustave, and it has made 70,000 damage assessments over two years."
The company hosted seven American Red Cross staffers at Pease International Tradeport Monday and Tuesday at a workshop that taught them how to use the system to assess damage during and after disasters. So far, the Red Cross has used the RDMS while working with hurricanes Dolly, Ike and Gustave, and it has made 70,000 damage assessments over two years."
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
OKCBiz > OKC nonprofit credits social media for taking its cause to a higher level
OKCBiz > OKC nonprofit credits social media for taking its cause to a higher level: "Now, seemingly overnight, nonprofits and charities are using the eerie growth and power of social-networking sites to reach even more supporters. For a few nonprofits, it’s the only source of communications they have."
Editorial: Web site connects people with nonprofits | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Opinion: Editorials
Editorial: Web site connects people with nonprofits | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Opinion: Editorials: "Thankfully, the folks at the Communities Foundation of Texas, the Dallas Foundation and the Center for Nonprofit Management have found a way. They have created a new Web site that profiles more than 400 North Texas nonprofit groups. By visiting, North Texas donors can explore whether an organization matches their interests."
Monday, July 20, 2009 » Have a big idea to help non-profits? » Have a big idea to help non-profits?: "Do you have an idea that might help local non-profits fill the funding gap they’re facing? Charlotte Mission Possible, a collaborative reporting project by and other local news outlets, wants to hear about it."
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Guest Post by Michael Hoffman: Viral Video for Nonprofits - A Rethinking
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Guest Post by Michael Hoffman: Viral Video for Nonprofits - A Rethinking: "Guest Post by Michael Hoffman: Viral Video for Nonprofits - A Rethinking
Without fail, we get a call at See3 every week asking us to produce a “viral” video. “You know”, they say, “a video that will get a lot of views when we put it on YouTube.”
And every week, without fail, there is a sigh and a deep breath among the staff at See3 as we explain that maybe a viral video isn’t what you really need. Maybe, we say, what you really need is a video strategy."
Without fail, we get a call at See3 every week asking us to produce a “viral” video. “You know”, they say, “a video that will get a lot of views when we put it on YouTube.”
And every week, without fail, there is a sigh and a deep breath among the staff at See3 as we explain that maybe a viral video isn’t what you really need. Maybe, we say, what you really need is a video strategy."
WHAT A GUY! - Association Bisnow - Washington
WHAT A GUY! - Association Bisnow - Washington: "Over 100 execs (and another 5,000 watching online) descended on Venable's offices for Buzz2009, to hear the former Apple leader tout Twitter, at an event sponsored by SmartBrief and SocialFish. Guy recommends associations use Twitter to advertise and push agendas, which means first gaining many followers by posting interesting content, not 'what are you doing.'"
Nonprofits learn from online Obama presidential campaign manager
Nonprofits learn from online Obama presidential campaign manager: "His top take-home lessons in online campaigning from the 22-month endeavor:
Speak with one-voice, and let the data set the course;
Stay on message, say one thing at a time and make the call-to-action clear and singular;
Take the “little people” seriously;
Be prepared to deal with both good and bad luck;
Test everything, always; and
Respect the fundamentals of direct marketing."
Speak with one-voice, and let the data set the course;
Stay on message, say one thing at a time and make the call-to-action clear and singular;
Take the “little people” seriously;
Be prepared to deal with both good and bad luck;
Test everything, always; and
Respect the fundamentals of direct marketing."
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Microsoft cloud computing gets down to earth | Philly | 07/15/2009
Microsoft cloud computing gets down to earth | Philly | 07/15/2009: "As U.S. companies start exploring doing some of this computing this year, a school system on the other side of the globe has already leapt into the cloud. Ethiopia is rolling out 250,000 laptops to its schoolteachers nationwide, all running on Microsoft's cloud platform, called Azure.
The laptops will allow teachers to download curriculum, keep track of academic records and securely transfer student data throughout the education system, without having to build a support system of hardware and software to connect them."
The laptops will allow teachers to download curriculum, keep track of academic records and securely transfer student data throughout the education system, without having to build a support system of hardware and software to connect them."
The NonProfit Times -Getting Familiar Via Social Media
The NonProfit Times - The Leading Business Publication For Nonprofit Management: "Sreenivasan led a session on how Web tools are transforming prospect research during the recent Fundraising Day New York, sponsored by the Greater New York Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals."
A Nonprofit’s Guide to Building Simple, Low-Cost Websites
From Tech Soup
A Nonprofit’s Guide to Building Simple, Low-Cost Websites: "A Nonprofit’s Guide to Building Simple, Low-Cost Websites
Affordable solutions for planning, creating, and maintaining your organization’s online presence
By: Chris Peters
July 13, 2009
Editor's note: We recommend reading this article in conjunction with Tips for Designing (or Redesigning) a Nonprofit Website to get a more complete picture of options to create a well-designed, affordable, website and the process you should expect when moving through different parts of the process of developing a beautiful new site."
A Nonprofit’s Guide to Building Simple, Low-Cost Websites: "A Nonprofit’s Guide to Building Simple, Low-Cost Websites
Affordable solutions for planning, creating, and maintaining your organization’s online presence
By: Chris Peters
July 13, 2009
Editor's note: We recommend reading this article in conjunction with Tips for Designing (or Redesigning) a Nonprofit Website to get a more complete picture of options to create a well-designed, affordable, website and the process you should expect when moving through different parts of the process of developing a beautiful new site."
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
For Uganda's poor, a cellular connection | Wireless - CNET News
For Uganda's poor, a cellular connection | Wireless - CNET News: "n a place where cell phones could outnumber light bulbs, several nonprofits have begun thinking that the best way to reach the country's poor and get them much needed information is through their phones. The Grameen Foundation, a global nonprofit that helps the world's poor with financial services and technology solutions, has partnered with Google, telecommunications provider MTN Uganda, and several local nonprofits to develop and design mobile applications that let cell phone users get information via SMS text queries."
Silicon Valley Innovators Share Social Media Tips for Fund Raisers -
Silicon Valley Innovators Share Social Media Tips for Fund Raisers - "Silicon Valley Innovators Share Social Media Tips for Fund Raisers
As colleges and other nonprofit organizations wade more deeply into social media, institutions need to show their human side and resist the urge to talk at their audiences, a group of social-media experts advised college fund raisers last week."
As colleges and other nonprofit organizations wade more deeply into social media, institutions need to show their human side and resist the urge to talk at their audiences, a group of social-media experts advised college fund raisers last week."
Monday, July 13, 2009
Digital wishes granted
Digital wishes granted: "A WISHING well of the digital kind will soon be set up. Come January next year, a website will bring together needy children and members of the public looking to make donations to help fulfil these children's specific needs."
Bing's first month produces small share gain | Webware - CNET
Bing's first month produces small share gain | Webware - CNET: "Bing took a baby step up the search engine ladder in its first month on the Internet.
Microsoft's share of the search market increased from 7.81 percent prior to the launch of Bing to 8.23 percent for the month of June, according to data from Statcounter picked up by Reuters. Bing got a noticeable bounce during the first few weeks of June, but settled back after the novelty wore off."
Microsoft's share of the search market increased from 7.81 percent prior to the launch of Bing to 8.23 percent for the month of June, according to data from Statcounter picked up by Reuters. Bing got a noticeable bounce during the first few weeks of June, but settled back after the novelty wore off." » Blog Archive » The Rise of Web Video » Blog Archive » The Rise of Web Video: "What’s next for web video? From YouTube’s founding in 2005 to the documentation of post-election turmoil in Iran, the progress video on the web has been remarkable in just a few short year. For more perspective, the NYT has a look, in “Rise of Web Video, Beyond 2-Minute Clips” -"
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Defining Social Media ROI once and for all, and understanding the action-reactive-return narrative « The BrandBuilder Blog
Defining Social Media ROI once and for all, and understanding the action-reactive-return narrative « The BrandBuilder Blog: "Defining Social Media ROI once and for all, and understanding the action-reactive-return narrative"
Thursday, July 09, 2009
The NonProfit Times - The Leading Business Publication For Nonprofit Management
The NonProfit Times - The Leading Business Publication For Nonprofit Management: "Facebook: Where 5 million equals 50,000
By Mark Hrywna
Michelle Miles isn’t all that much different than most teenagers. The 19-year-old from Little Rock, Ark., attends Pulaski Technical College, plans to pursue a nursing degree, and works at PetSmart.
She also can email 5.2 million people -- nearly twice the 2.8-million population of Arkansas -- through the Facebook Cause she created called The Race to End Cancer to aid the Arkansas Children’s Hospital Foundation (ACHF)."
By Mark Hrywna
Michelle Miles isn’t all that much different than most teenagers. The 19-year-old from Little Rock, Ark., attends Pulaski Technical College, plans to pursue a nursing degree, and works at PetSmart.
She also can email 5.2 million people -- nearly twice the 2.8-million population of Arkansas -- through the Facebook Cause she created called The Race to End Cancer to aid the Arkansas Children’s Hospital Foundation (ACHF)."
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Twitter/Facebook: Time Well-Spent for Child/Youth Advocates? | Connect for Kids / Child Advocacy 360 / Youth Policy Action Center
Twitter/Facebook: Time Well-Spent for Child/Youth Advocates? | Connect for Kids / Child Advocacy 360 / Youth Policy Action Center: "Twitter/Facebook: Time Well-Spent for Child/Youth Advocates?
by Ray Schultz, Child Advocacy 360
This year’s Nonprofit Technology Conference drew standing-room only crowds to sessions on social media. But one question remained unanswered after hours of talk: Can Twitter and Facebook perform miracles for hardworking child advocates?
That’s dubious, based on the evidence."
by Ray Schultz, Child Advocacy 360
This year’s Nonprofit Technology Conference drew standing-room only crowds to sessions on social media. But one question remained unanswered after hours of talk: Can Twitter and Facebook perform miracles for hardworking child advocates?
That’s dubious, based on the evidence."
The Extraordinaries: Will Microvolunteering Work? : NPR
From NPR
The Extraordinaries: Will Microvolunteering Work? : NPR: "Through The Extraordinaries, you might be able to use your smart phone — while waiting in the dentist's office or standing in the DMV line — to:
• translate a foreign-language document into English
• add identifying tags to photos and videos for a museum
• give advice to a college applicant"
The Extraordinaries: Will Microvolunteering Work? : NPR: "Through The Extraordinaries, you might be able to use your smart phone — while waiting in the dentist's office or standing in the DMV line — to:
• translate a foreign-language document into English
• add identifying tags to photos and videos for a museum
• give advice to a college applicant"
Does your nonprofit's Web site make the cut? | Charity Chat
Does your nonprofit's Web site make the cut? | Charity Chat: "These days Web sites are the charity’s public face, reflecting its mission, finances, professionalism, tenor and so on.
I should know. I look at these sites all the time and there are some things that just make me nuts. So while it’s on my mind, I thought I’d share a few thoughts on the good, bad and ugly of nonprofit Web sites."
I should know. I look at these sites all the time and there are some things that just make me nuts. So while it’s on my mind, I thought I’d share a few thoughts on the good, bad and ugly of nonprofit Web sites."
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Prospecting - Google Executive Seeks Philanthropy Advice
Prospecting - "June 30, 2009
Former Google Executive Seeks Philanthropy Advice
A former Google executive is asking for advice on where to make a donation."
Former Google Executive Seeks Philanthropy Advice
A former Google executive is asking for advice on where to make a donation."
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
What's the Right Offline Event for Your Organization's Online Community? | NetSquared, an initiative of
What's the Right Offline Event for Your Organization's Online Community? | NetSquared, an initiative of "This month's Net2 Think Tank question is: How do real-world (offline) events fit into social media conversations and campaigns?"
Building an Integrated Online Fundraising Strategy : By Paul Habig : FundRaising Success
From Fundraising Success
Building an Integrated Online Fundraising Strategy : By Paul Habig : FundRaising Success: "Building an Integrated Online Fundraising Strategy
By Paul Habig
Jun 30, 2009
With the potential to reach a wide audience rapidly and cost-effectively, more and more nonprofit organizations are using online communications tools to connect with donors, members, volunteers and supporter"
Building an Integrated Online Fundraising Strategy : By Paul Habig : FundRaising Success: "Building an Integrated Online Fundraising Strategy
By Paul Habig
Jun 30, 2009
With the potential to reach a wide audience rapidly and cost-effectively, more and more nonprofit organizations are using online communications tools to connect with donors, members, volunteers and supporter"
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: "Guest Post by Hildy Gottlieb: 3 Steps to Success on Facebook
Submitted by Hildy Gottlieb, publisher of Creating the Future!
We hear it almost every day - another organization who is wildly successful on Facebook or Twitter or MySpace. Wanting that same success, organizational leaders sign up, spend a while getting the lay of the land, and start participating.
Soon they begin to doubt they will ever see the wild success that other organization experienced. Resigning themselves to paltry (if any results), they sigh, “We tried it, but Social Media is just not for us.”
They could not be farther from the truth."
Submitted by Hildy Gottlieb, publisher of Creating the Future!
We hear it almost every day - another organization who is wildly successful on Facebook or Twitter or MySpace. Wanting that same success, organizational leaders sign up, spend a while getting the lay of the land, and start participating.
Soon they begin to doubt they will ever see the wild success that other organization experienced. Resigning themselves to paltry (if any results), they sigh, “We tried it, but Social Media is just not for us.”
They could not be farther from the truth."
Monday, June 29, 2009
Nonprofits Get a Social Media Mentor in | Econsultancy
Nonprofits Get a Social Media Mentor in | Econsultancy: "SAN FRANCISCO – June 29, 2009 – Eight leading experts in social media and nonprofit technology have joined forces to create, a hub that showcases social tools for social change. The site, which serves as a learning and sharing center for nonprofits and social change organizations, debuted today at"
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